Species False Daisy Leaf Moonwort

False Daisy Leaf Moonwort

Botrychium pseudopinnatum

Also Known As - False Northwestern Moonwort
False Daisy Leaf Moonwort (Botrychium pseudopinnatum) is an interesting species of fern-like plant. It is unique in that it has two different types of fronds - the larger foliage fronds as well as the smaller false daisy-like foliage. The plant typically grows in moist grassy meadows and other open, sunny areas. It is tolerant of slightly acidic soils and is relatively hardy. Its attractive, lacy leaves will add textural interest to garden beds and shady areas. False Daisy Leaf Moonwort is an easy to grow perennial and a great choice for homeowners looking for a unique addition to their landscapes.




Seed Propagation,Division,Offsets,Spore Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


Partial Shade, Shade





Growth Rate:


Care Level:



False Daisy Leaf Moonwort should be watered as needed, in most cases once every 2 weeks. The soil should be kept moderately moist, but not sopping wet. Make sure to check if the soil is dry when watering, as overwatering can be detrimental to the plant. Avoid waterlogging or soggy conditions. Give the False Daisy Leaf Moonwort a light spray with water around its foliage every few days to prevent drying out. Avoid direct sunlight, and instead provide it with bright indirect sunlight.


False Daisy Leaf Moonwort (Botrychium pseudopinnatum) is a shade-loving perennial plant that grows best with partial sun and partial shade. It prefers partial, indirect sunlight and should receive about 2 to 4 hours of indirect sunlight a day. This species does not tolerate extreme hot temperatures or full sun and should be protected from direct light during peak hours (from about 10am to 2pm). It should receive morning sun during the cool season and light shade during the warm season. It is important to ensure that the plant is able to rest by providing it with colder winter temperatures and protection from strong wind and frost.


False Daisy Leaf Moonwort should not require any pruning to thrive. Due to its low growing nature, no pruning is recommended even to maintain the form of the plant. Pruning is not recommended as it is a species of special concern and is a protected species in some states.