Species Sitka Brome
yellow-green spikelets

Sitka Brome

Bromus sitchensis var. sitchensis

Sitka Brome (Bromus sitchensis var. sitchensis) is a cool-season grass native to northern North America, from Alaska to Oregon. It grows to 3-4 feet tall and is characterized by tall, erect, leafy stems and sparse inflorescences. The leaves are large and smooth, often with a blue-green hue. The flowers are open, short, and four-angled, and produce an abundance of seeds, which make them an important food source for many animals. This grass thrives in colder climates and poorly drained soils, forming dense clumps. Its durable, lush foliage make it ideal for parks, lawns, and other areas with heavy foot traffic.



Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:





Foxtail Brome should be watered moderately. During active growth, water when the soil feels dry to the touch approximately once per week. During the winter months, the plant may require less water and can be watered every 2 weeks. If it rains, the plant does not need to be watered.


Foxtail Brome (Bromus rubens) is a cool season grass that prefers full sun. It requires at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day to grow and thrive. The more sunlight it receives, the more lush and robust it will be. It should be exposed to sunlight from early morning until late afternoon for best results. When grown in shade, foxtail brome may not survive, and will likely become etiolated.


Foxtail Brome (Bromus rubens) should be pruned in the spring, beginning when the plant begins to turn green. Prune back any dead, dying, or damaged stems, then reduce the remaining stems by about 2-thirds to encourage denser growth. This species can become very tall, so it is important to be diligent in monitoring and pruning the plant as needed to keep it within its desired size.

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