Species Suksdorf's Brome
lime-gold spikelets

Suksdorf's Brome

Bromus suksdorfii

Suksdorf's Brome (Bromus suksdorfii) is a perennial grass native to western North America. It grows up to 3 feet tall in open meadows, bunchgrass hillsides, sagebrush steppes, and other dry habitats. Its blade-like stems are topped with clustered flower heads and rough-textured seed heads. In spring and summer, its abundance of small reddish-brown flowers provide a food source for insects and birds. Suksdorf's Brome is tolerant of drought and salty soils, making it well-suited to areas with highly variable weather patterns. It can be planted for erosion control or as part of a natural garden. Its distinctive flowers create a stunning display for gardens, adding structure and texture to the landscape.




Seed Propagation,Division,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:




Care Level:



Suksdorf's Brome requires moderate watering of about ¼" every 1 to 2 weeks. During the spring and summer months, it will also benefit from weekly rainfall and occasional additional watering to maintain the soil consistently moist. During the hot and dry summer months, it will do best if watered to a depth of 1"–2" every 2 to 3 weeks. To avoid potential root rot, the soil should be allowed to drain properly after each watering.


Suksdorf's Brome (Bromus suksdorfii) grows best in full sun. It is an attractive species for areas with moist soils. It should receive 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day; however, it can tolerate some partial shade.


Suksdorf's Brome (Bromus suksdorfii) typically requires moderate pruning to maintain its health. Pruning should occur once a year, during the early spring. During the pruning process, dead or weak stems should be removed, and any ivy-like stems should be trimmed back to the base. As the plant grows, it may become too tall. In this case, the stems should be cut back to the desired size. It is important to note that pruning too aggressively can negatively affect the overall health of the plant. Subsequently, it is important to only remove 1-third of the plants leafy growth each pruning session.