Species Large Bindweed
a cream-white flower with lime-purple sepals, green leaves and brown stems

Large Bindweed

Calystegia silvatica subsp. disjuncta

Large Bindweed (Calystegia silvatica subsp. disjuncta) is a perennial, deciduous climber native to Europe. It forms long creeping stems that wind their way up trellises and posts, with light green divided leaves and large trumpet-shaped white or pink flowers. The flowers are followed by cup-shaped seed capsules. It is perfect for providing height and colour to walls or trellises in sunny, sheltered gardens. It prefers moist, well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter and can spread quickly, so ensure it is contained by a root barrier or buried pot if planting in the border.




Seed Propagation,Cutting,Layering Propagation,Division

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Large Bindweed needs to be kept consistently moist in order to thrive. It should be watered daily during active growing season, usually from early Spring to late Summer. Make sure to avoid over-watering, as the roots need time to dry out in between waterings. The soil should be allowed to become slightly dry on the surface before watering again. In hotter climates, additional watering may be needed to prevent wilting and drying of the soil. In the Winter, water only when the soil is completely dry and should be done less frequently due to the plants dormancy.


Large Bindweed (Calystegia silvatica subsp. disjuncta) prefers full sunlight and will grow in partial sun/shade as well, but its growth and flowering may be reduced under shaded conditions. The optimal amount of sunlight for this plant species is 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day, although it will tolerate more than this if necessary. During periods of extreme heat, it may benefit from some additional shade during mid-day. It thrives in areas with full sun exposure, which helps to ensure that the flowers will open and remain large. The ideal time for sunlight for Large Bindweed would be between 10am and 6pm with a few hours of partial shade in the middle if temperatures become too hot.


The best time to prune Large Bindweed is in the spring or summer when new growth is present. This will help prevent the plant from getting out of hand as it grows quickly. Prune back long or dead stems and any stems that are growing away from the desired shape of the plant. You can also reduce the size of the plant by pruning off the stems at their base. Make sure not to prune more than 2/3 of the plant, as it may not be able to recover. An easy way to prune Large Bindweed is to gently pull the stems apart with your hands to get a more even look. This will also help reduce the amount of pruning needed.