Species Small Camas
blue flowers with yellow anthers, blue filaments, gray-green stems, and green leaves

Small Camas

Camassia quamash subsp. quamash

Also Known As - Common Camas
Small Camas is a small flowering plant native to western North America. It typically grows in moist meadows and can reach up to a meter in height. It has drooping, bell-shaped blue and purple flowers and leathery, grass-like foliage. The tiny, dense bulbs of the plant provide a food source for many animals. This plant is hardy, and its adaptability to dry and wet conditions makes it a suitable ornamental garden plant. It is a hardy perennial, and will multiply in ideal conditions, and it enjoys full to partial sun. Small Camas is a beautiful addition to any landscape, and its unique beauty will bring a natural wildness to your garden.




Seed Propagation,Division,Offsets,Bulbils

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:



The Small Camas needs to be given consistent moisture to thrive. It is best to water the plant every 2-3 days when soils are dry. In the summer when temperatures are warm, increased watering might be needed to keep the soil moist but not soggy. During the winter, reduce the amount of water, but make sure not to allow the soil to completely dry out. The amount of water needed will depend upon the size of the pot that your plant is growing in, the air temperature, as well as the level of sunlight it receives. Generally, 1-2 cups of water per plant is sufficient.


Small Camas plants need full sun to partial shade of 3 to 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. During the spring, the optimum sunlight should be on the cooler side, whereas during the summer it should be direct and hot. In the fall, as the season begins to wind down, the amount of sunlight can slowly be decreased. Therefore, if grown in the right climate, they can enjoy the full spectrum of the sun's light and generate the best blooms.


Small Camas should be pruned in the spring, when the plant is actively growing but before flowering. Start by removing any dead or damaged parts of the plant first. Then, thin out the plant, cutting back any excess growth. Prune stems to keep them at a reasonable, even height and remove any side branches that are competing for light and resources. In addition, remove any developing seed heads to help direct energy into producing healthy, new foliage growth. Regular pruning will help maintain the attractive shape of the plant and stimulate overall growth.