Carex cumulata x
Hardiness Zone:
Yellow|Green/Brown Flowers
full sun
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Northeastern Sedge (Carex cryptolepis) should be watered regularly once a week in the growing season. Be sure to water the plant thoroughly each time, as it prefers a soil environment that is constantly moist. During the drier season of summer, water more frequently, as the plant will require added water. In the winter months, reduce watering to once a month or less, as the plant is in a dormant state. Be sure to check the soils before each watering to ensure that it is not too wet or dry. Use a moisture meter, or insert your finger down to the first knuckle to check the soil moisture if necessary.
Northeastern Sedge (Carex cryptolepis) does best with at least 4 hours of direct sunlight a day. Ideally, the plant should receive sunlight starting in late morning and throughout mid-afternoon. Sunlight should be delivered in the form of direct sunlight rather than diffused or reflected sunlight. Northeastern Sedge should be placed in an area that receives direct sunlight from at least 10 am until at least 4 pm but no later than 7 pm. This plant species should not be kept in an area that receives afternoon sun since this could cause the leaves of the plant to dry out and wilt. Outdoor areas with more open exposure to sunlight are generally preferable compared to indoor areas with limited natural light.
Northeastern Sedge (Carex cryptolepis) should be pruned in late winter or early spring when plants are still dormant. Pruning should be done before new growth starts, so late winter/early spring is ideal. About 1/4 of the stem should be removed from the plant to encourage branching and a thicker growth habit. It is important to prune the plant to the same level each year so that it remains healthy and attractive.