Species Eastern Straw Sedge
light-green spikelets with foliage

Eastern Straw Sedge

Carex straminea

Eastern Straw Sedge (Carex straminea) is a grass-like plant native to wetter environments in North America. Silver-green stems are upright and reach up to two feet in height. Clusters of small, red-tipped flowers grow at the stem tips in May and June. The narrow, arching leaves are 1/8" to 1" wide and 4" to 8" long with a semi-transparent middle vein. In wetter soils they form large colonies, creating soft yet strong texture in a landscape. Eastern Straw Sedge is easily grown in loamy, slightly damp soil, and thrives in full sun to partial shade. This strong, durable, and drought-tolerant perennial is a wonderful addition to any garden.




Division,Seed Propagation,Cutting,Rhizome Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Eastern Straw Sedge needs to be watered once a week, using approximately 2 gallons of water. When watering, make sure to saturate the soil around the plant and be sure to keep the leaves dry. Water at the base of the plant to minimize leaf damage. If planted in a container, it is important to allow for continual drainage.


Eastern Straw Sedge benefits from full sun exposure for at least 6 hours each day, although it can tolerate a bit more shade. Ideally, it should be given morning sun and some afternoon shade to protect its foliage in summer. Due to its preference for full sun, its best planted in an area where it will get direct sunlight for most of the day. This will help it grow more robustly and encourage blooming.


Eastern Straw Sedge (Carex straminea) should be pruned in late winter or early spring. Cut back the foliage to 12-18 inches from the ground. Dead or broken foliage should also be removed. This will encourage healthy new growth and will maintain the plant’s natural shape. When pruning, be sure to use sharp and sanitized shears.