Species Torrey's Sedge

Torrey's Sedge

Carex torreyi

Torrey's Sedge (Carex torreyi) is an attractive perennial native to the coastal prairies of the Eastern United States. It is a fast-growing clump forming sedge with bright green, triangular foliage that grows up to three feet in height. The leaves of this sedge are a lovely blue-green color, and bloom in late summer with small, silvery-white, cup-shaped flowers that are beloved by pollinators. This hardy sedge is an excellent choice for naturalizing meadows and floodplains, and thrives in both wet and dry conditions. Its drought tolerance makes it an ideal choice for xeriscaping and easy to maintain landscapes.




Division,Seed Propagation,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Torrey's Sedge should be watered approximately once a week, ideally with 1-2 inches of water. During drier periods, it benefits from a bit more frequent watering or an increase in the amount of water applied. Soil should be kept moist but not soaked. In general, 1-2 inches of water every 7-10 days is best. For larger plants, deeper watering is recommended.


Torrey's Sedge grows best in partial to full shade, but can tolerate brief periods of full sun. Ideally, the plant should receive 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight each day, preferably in the morning hours. Additionally, the plant needs to be shielded from the midday and afternoon sun when temperatures are hottest. This sedge will do best in a location where it can receive filtered light but is still shaded from intense sun.


Torrey's Sedge should be pruned once a year in the spring. Pruning should be done by cutting back the plant by 1/3 or more, removing any dead, diseased, or broken portions of the plant. It should not be pruned too heavily as this may damage the health of the plant. Pruning will help to encourage new growth and keep the plant looking full and lush.