Species Aleutian Chickweed
white flowers with white filaments, yellow anthers, green leaves and stems

Aleutian Chickweed

Cerastium aleuticum

Aleutian Chickweed (Cerastium aleuticum) is a clumping perennial herb that grows in coastal environments and shallow rocky areas of Alaska. Its bright green leaves have fine hairs on their surface, and its long stems and soft branches are up to 8 inches long. Its delicate white/pale pink flowers are 2-3 mm across and form star-like clusters from May to August. In the winter, the plant dies back and turns brown, but shoots up again in the spring. Aleutian chickweed is a hardy plant that is tolerant of cold weather and can serve as a useful ground cover where other plants won’t easily grow.




Seed Propagation,Cutting,Division,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Salt Tolerant:




Care Level:



Aleutian Chickweed should be watered twice a week, using a generous amount of water so that the soil is evenly moist without becoming soggy. During summer, water in the morning so the plant has time to evaporate any excess water before the sun sets. In winter, water a little less often but keep the soil evenly moist. Avoid saturating the soil, as this can cause root rot. If the soil feels dry to the touch, it is time to water.


Aleutian Chickweed (Cerastium aleuticum) is best grown in full sunlight. This plant species prefers full sun exposure for 6 to 8 hours each day. When grown outdoors, it should be placed in an area where it will receive the most direct sun exposure possible throughout the day. It can tolerate some shade, but will not perform its best when placed in a darker environment. The ideal location for Aleutian Chickweed is a spot that is exposed to the sun for several hours in the early morning and late afternoon.


Aleutian Chickweed should be pruned to control its size, which may be necessary if it's planted in large areas. Pruning should ideally be done in early spring or mid-summer. Start by cutting back new growth at the beginning of the growing season and light pruning to shape the plant throughout the season. In order to keep the plant’s growth in check, it is important to trim off the flower stalks when they fade. The flower stalks should be pruned just above the stem to avoid leaving a stub. Additionally, the stems of the Aleutian Chickweed should be thinned out to promote air circulation and prevent fungal problems. Lastly, regular deadheading of the faded flower stalks will encourage the plant to produce more flowers and aid its overall maintenance.