Species autumn crocus Guide
purple flowers with white center, white filaments and dark-purple anthers

autumn crocus

Colchicum 'Disraeli'






Division,Cormlet Propagation,Seed Propagation,Offsets

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 7


Rosy purple Flowers


Full sun,part shade

Growth Rate:




Poisonous To Humans:


Poisonous To Pets:



Autumn crocus (Colchicum 'Disraeli') should be watered when the soil feels dry or when the leaves are beginning to droop. Keeping the soil evenly moist is the key to success. To achieve this, water thoroughly 1 to 2 times a week in summer, and once every 2 weeks or so during cold weather when plants are dormant. Always water in the early morning or late in the day to prevent leaf scorching from the hot summer sun. A deep, regular watering is much better than frequent light waterings. Avoid overhead watering as this can encourage disease.


Autumn crocus (Colchicum 'Disraeli') prefers full sun or partial shade and can tolerate light shade. It grows best in regions that experience hot summers and mild winters, so it is recommended that they be planted in a location that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. The plant should be placed in an area sheltered from strong winds and given regular watering during hot spells. In the lower regions, such as the southern U.S., the autumn crocus can be planted in the spring. In northern regions, you can plant them in the late summer and early fall.


Autumn crocus (Colchicum 'Disraeli') should be pruned annually in early spring during the month of March. Begin by removing dead or broken stems and seed heads, cutting them back to the base of the plant. Next, trim the taller and thinner foliage to reduce the overall height of the plant. Prune the plants back to 1-third of their overall size to create a more dense and compact growth habit. When pruning, be sure to leave at least 2 healthy shoots for future growth. A final light trim in summer may also be beneficial for keeping the plant in good shape.