Species mangosteen Guide
green, round, fruits with green sepals, dark green stems, and dark green, smooth, shiny leaves


Garcinia mangostana





Hardiness Zone:

11 - 12


Purple-pink Flowers


full sun,part sun/part shade


green,red,yellow,purple,orange Fruits Ready In Summer





Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:






Care Level:



Mangosteen plants should be watered thoroughly once or twice a week, depending on the time of year, and the particular needs of the plant. In warm weather, the plants should be watered more frequently, as they will dry out quickly. In cooler months, the plant will need less water, as they will retain moisture more easily during these times. During the growing season, around spring and summer, you should ensure that the plant has a constant, even supply of water. Aim to water the plant deeply, but not too much, so that the soil can still retain air and keep the roots healthy.


Mangosteen plants prefer full or partial sunlight. Ideally, they should receive at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight when grown outside, although this may be slightly less for plants growing indoors. For best results, the plants should be exposed to direct sunlight for at least 5 to 6 hours per day. However, manogsteens tend to prefer cooler temperatures and will suffer if exposed to too hot of a climate and direct sunlight for more than 8 hours per day. They may also require some afternoon shade during the hottest parts of the day.


Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) should be pruned twice a year, in late winter and mid-summer. Light pruning during the growing season can help to keep the plant compact and eliminate any dead or weak growth. Generally, it's best to trim less than 1/3 of the foliage in any 1 session. This can help to prevent shock and significant reductions in flowering and fruiting. Ensure all tools are sterilized between plants to decrease the risk of spreading disease.


Is the mangosteen a tropical fruit?

Yes, the mangosteen is a tropical fruit. Native to Southeast Asia, the mangosteen is known as a "queen of fruits" for its wonderful sweet and tangy flavor. It is a small, round fruit with a deep purple, leathery skin surrounding segments of succulent white flesh and edible seeds. It can be eaten fresh or blended into drinks, and is often used in Chinese medicine.

Is the mangosteen often called the "queen of fruits"?

The mangosteen is often referred to as the "queen of fruits". This is because of its unique flavor and texture, its high nutritional value and its medicinal properties. It has a sweet, juicy flesh and a smooth, hard outer shell that is not only beautiful, but also protective. Its unique flavor can be attributed to the presence of several different phytochemicals, including xanthones and flavanoids. The high levels of antioxidants found in this fruit make it an excellent choice for promoting health. Mangosteens are also rich in vitamin C, magnesium, and iron and are known to help improve digestion and relieve stress.

Is the mangosteen high in antioxidants?

Yes, the mangosteen is high in antioxidants. According to one study, the mangosteen fruit contains 47 different types of antioxidants, making it one of the most antioxidant-rich fruits. These antioxidants, such as quercetin and epicatechin, can help protect the body against free-radical damage from environmental toxins. Additionally, research suggests that eating mangosteen may help promote better digestion and immune health. Thus, eating mangosteen is a great way to increase your intake of antioxidants and improve your overall health.

Is the mangosteen peel edible?

The mangosteen peel is not edible and cannot be consumed. It is often discarded as it is not typically consumed. The white flesh of the mangosteen, found just beneath the peel, is edible and is known for its sweet and slightly tart flavor. The peel itself contains tannin which is bitter and can cause stomach upsets if consumed.

Could you grow mangosteens in a greenhouse?

Yes, you can grow mangosteens in a greenhouse. Mangosteens are tropical trees that prefer climates with high humidity and temperatures between 64°F and 90°F (18°C and 32°C). Providing your greenhouse with the right conditions to ensure these environmental requirements are met will increase your chances of successfully cultivating mangosteens. For successful production, you should also apply regular watering and fertilization, as well as provide a lot of indirect sunlight. Finally, you should also check the greenhouse regularly for any signs of pests or disease.

Do mangosteens produce fruit year-round?

No, mangosteens do not produce fruit year-round. Mangosteens usually have a medium-sized “harvest window”. In tropical regions mangosteen trees typically produces fruit two to three times a year, with a peak harvest towards the end of summer. In cooler climates, production may be more sporadic and usually does not occur annually. The amount and timing of harvest can also vary dramatically based on weather conditions.

Is the mangosteen tree endangered or protected?

The mangosteen tree is mostly a protected plant by protective laws and regulations. There are various regulations in different countries that protect these trees in some form or other. Generally, the tree is not listed as an endangered species, though it is becoming increasingly difficult to find in the wild. The main threats to the tree are habitat destruction and the cutting of trees for timber and commercial cultivation of fruits. In addition, genetic diversity of individual trees has decreased and continues to decrease due to increased production and crop cycles.

Is the mangosteen tree a slow or fast grower?

The mangosteen tree is a relatively slow grower. Under optimal growing conditions, it can take five years for the tree to reach full maturity, with a maximum height of around 30 feet. Additionally, mangosteen trees reach their bearing age at around five to eight years. In comparison with other fruit trees, the mangosteen tree grows at a much slower rate, meaning that farmers must be patient when tending to them.

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