Dianthus 'Coconut Punch' typically starts flowering in late spring, usually in May or June.
Dianthus 'Coconut Punch'
Herbaceous Perennial
Division,Cutting,Layering Propagation,Seed Propagation,Grafting Propagation
Hardiness Zone:
4 - 8
Wine red with white blotches (double) Flowers
Full sun
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Pink (Dianthus 'Coconut Punch') prefers to stay on the dry side. Make sure containers have drainage holes and water until the excess water has drained from the bottom. This is especially important when transitioning the plant from 1 location to another. Generally speaking, this species should be watered every 7-10 days, or whenever the top 2 inches of soil are dry. If you are unsure about the moisture levels, stick your finger into the soil – it should feel just slightly damp. If the soil has dried out more than 2 inches deep, it's time to water. During the summer, water more often or if the area is hot and dry. In the winter, water less.
Pink Dianthus 'Coconut Punch' prefers to be grown in direct sunlight for 6 to 8 hours a day. Exposure to sun helps in promoting a long blooming period and encourages compact, bushy growth. If your plants receive too little sun, the flowers will not be as full, and in some cases will not open. Lack of sunlight also causes the plants to become spindly and leggy. However, care should be taken not to expose the plant to too much sun, as this can cause the foliage to scorch and severely damage the plant.
Pink (Dianthus 'Coconut Punch') should be pruned in spring or summer after flowering. Pruning should be light and only done to remove dead, damaged, or diseased stems. Each stem should be cut to just above a pair of healthy buds. If additional pruning is needed, never cut back more than 1-third of the plant at a time. This will help it to regrow more quickly and prevent it from becoming spindly or overgrown.
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Dianthus 'Coconut Punch' typically starts flowering in late spring, usually in May or June.