Species obedient plant Guide
cluster of small, white, tubular flowers with green stems, white buds, and green sepals

obedient plant

Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow'


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

3 - 9


White Flowers


Full sun



Growth Rate:




Care Level:



The obedient plant (Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow') should be watered thoroughly but infrequently. During the summer months, water the plant once a week. Make sure to water the soil deeply and not just lightly sprinkle the top of the soil. During the winter months, allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Additionally, make sure the obedient plant is located in an area with good drainage. Standing water and soggy soil can cause the roots to rot.


Obedient plant (Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow') requires full sun to partial shade. During the spring and summer it needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. The sunlight should be from midmorning to late afternoon. During the fall and winter it should have filtered sunlight or partial shade. If the plant is given too much direct sunlight in the winter months it could suffer from sunburn.


Obedient Plant can be pruned twice a year for a neat, attractive look. Prune in late winter/early spring before new growth emerges, then again in late summer just before it begins to flower. Remove individual stems by cutting them off at the base or stem for a bushy, fuller growth. Remove any dead or damaged stems and cut off any flowered stems as they fade. Be careful not to over prune the stems, as this can damage the plant and reduce growth. Additionally, a light trim of the tallest stems can be done in late summer or early fall in order to reduce height.