Species hybrid tea rose Guide

hybrid tea rose

Rosa 'Meibrinpay' ABBAYE DE CLUNY





Hardiness Zone:

5 - 9


Apricot Flowers


Full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:





Hybrid tea roses (Rosa 'Meibrinpay' ABBAYE DE CLUNY) require an adequate amount of water to maintain their health and vigor. Water thoroughly when the soil is dry to the touch. During the dry summer months, water your roses 1-2 times per week for optimal growth and blooming. Aim to provide approximately 1-2 inches of water per week. Water at ground level, avoiding wetting the leaves. In the spring and fall months, water your roses every 3-4 days, again providing 1-2 inches of water.


Hybrid tea rose (Rosa 'Meibrinpay' ABBAYE DE CLUNY) needs at least 6 hours of sunlight per day for healthy growth. Ideally, they should receive full sun for the majority of the day, from early or mid-morning to late afternoon. They should be shielded from intense afternoon sun and any harsh winds. Generally, roses should avoid contact with wet soil and foliage in order to prevent fungal diseases developing. Morning sun is best since it helps dry off the morning dew, reducing the chances of fungal diseases. The plant should also be given additional shade when summer temperatures rise and the evening sun is particularly strong.


Hybrid tea roses should be pruned in early spring, before new growth begins. Start by removing any dead, diseased, or damaged canes. Trim back any damaged canes and any canes that rub against each other. Also, remove any thin or unproductive canes and trim out any weak lateral shoots growing from the main canes. Remove any canes that are more than 4 years old, as they will no longer be productive. Then cut the remaining canes back by a third or a half, to an outward-facing bud. Keep in mind that hybrid tea roses benefit from some pruning each year, as the pruning encourages new growth and flower production.

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