Species lilac Guide
pink-lavender flowers with pink buds and green leaves


Syringa pubescens subsp. microphylla






Cutting,Layering Propagation,Grafting Propagation,Division,Seed Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 7


Lilac-pink Flowers In Spring


Full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:



Water your lilac (Syringa pubescens subsp. microphylla) deeply and regularly. In warm weather, lilacs need to be watered at least once a week for the best blooms in spring and summer. Where more rainfall is limited, water your lilac deeply about once every 2 weeks. Make sure to check the soil moisture levels first. If the soil feels dry 1–2 inches below the surface, it's time to water. Avoid allowing your lilacs to sit in wet soil as this can cause root rot.


Lilac plants require a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight each day, and prefer to receive light for 8-10 hours, depending on the climactic zone they are planted in. In tropical sites, lilacs should receive 8 hours of sunshine and partial shade during the hottest part of the afternoon. For colder climates, 8-10 hours of direct sun is ideal. Additionally, the angle of the sun is important for lilacs to thrive: full sun in the morning and afternoon with a slight shade for the hottest hours is ideal. Lilacs placed too far away from the sun, or on the shady side of a building, might not bloom fully or even at all.


Generally, Lilac plants should be pruned in late winter or early spring before any new growth begins, depending on the climate. It is important to prune the Lilac at this time as it will reduce potential damage from winter frost damage as well as maintain an aesthetically pleasing shape during flowering. When pruning, it's important to remember that Lilac responds well to light, selective pruning. Removing only dead, diseased or broken branches will help maintain an attractive, healthy shape. The remaining stems should be pruned as little as possible; taking care to not cut off any buds or flower clusters. Older shrubs may need more extensive pruning to rejuvenate them, including the removal of older canes and branches and the thinning of new canes. Pruning should be done annually to avoid the need for drastic pruning later on which can reduce the quality and number of flowers.


Are lilacs popular in gardens?

Yes, lilacs are very popular in gardens. This is because they are reliable, attractive, and easy to care for. They come in a variety of beautiful colours and can be grown as a shrub or small tree, which makes them perfect for a variety of garden styles. Lilacs are very low maintenance and are known to be quite drought tolerant, which makes them ideal for gardeners who don't have a lot of time to fuss over their plants. In addition, their scented blooms are a wonderful addition to any outdoor area.

How fast do lilacs grow?

Lilacs grow at a moderate speed, with an average mature height of 6-10 feet and width of 4-8 feet. They typically add two to four feet to their height each year depending on soil and climate conditions. They can be pruned to remain smaller and are quite hardy, though they might struggle in a colder climate with harsher winters. They prefer full sunlight and good drainage. With proper planting and care, lilacs can be expected to thrive and reach their mature growth size within five to seven years.

Can you grow lilacs from cutting?

Yes, you can grow lilacs from cuttings. It is an easy and effective way to propagate lilac bushes. Taking cuttings from actively growing lilacs in the summer is the best time. The cuttings should be 8-10'' long and straight-shooting, with several buds on them. Cut the cuttings about a half-inch below the bottom set of leaves. Dip the end of the cutting into rooting hormone and plant it into some moist soil, being sure to tamp it down firmly. Water the cutting well and keep it out of direct sunlight in a semi-shaded area. In a few weeks, the lilac cutting should begin to form roots and the leaves will soon grow fuller.

Are insects are attract to lilacs?

Yes, insects are attracted to lilacs. This is because the sweet scent of lilacs attracts many pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, while the small size of the flowers and structures make it easy for these insects to land. Additionally, the petals and nectaries of the flower are often quite accessible for them to access the sweet nectar inside. It is this combination of scent and accessibility that helps make lilacs popular among numerous types of insects.

How do you propagate lilacs?

To propagate lilacs from a cutting, it is best to select a six to ten-inch stem with 3-5 buds on it. To do this, use sharp pruning shears to cut the stem at a forty-five-degree angle just below an outward-facing bud. Strip off all but two leaves on the cutting and prepare a pot with a well draining potting mix. Poke a hole in the center of the pot and gently insert the cutting. Firm the potting mix around the cutting, being careful to not cover the two leaves. Water generously and place the pot in a bright, indirect light area. It is best to maintain a constant temperature between 65-70°F. In a few weeks, you should begin to see new growth appearing on the cutting. Once the roots become nice and established you can transplant the lilac into the garden.

How do you prevent lilacs from becoming overgrown?

To prevent lilacs from becoming overgrown, it is important to prune regularly. You should prune after every flowering cycle in late spring or early summer, making sure to remove any dead or diseased branches right away. Avoid pruning too severely, as this can cause stress to the plant, and wait for new buds to sprout before trimming too much new growth. Additionally, fertilize in late winter or early spring to help promote healthy blooming and vigorous growth.

Is there a variety of lilac that has double flower?

Yes, there is a variety of lilac that has double flowers. It is called Syringa x hyacinthiflora and is a deciduous shrub which produces an abundance of flowers in mid to late spring. It typically grows to between 4-6 feet in height and has a width of up to 8 feet. It has a somewhat weeping form, which looks magnificent when adorned with the clusters of double flowers. Syringa x hyacinthiflora has fragrant, pink or purple blooms that are arranged in pairs within one cup-shaped flower. The foliage is dark lush green, making the flowers a truly stunning sight when in full bloom.

How long is the average blooming period for lilacs?

The average blooming period for lilacs depends on the variety, but it can range from one to four weeks. The common European lilac blooms for two to three weeks, though some varieties may bloom longer. To maximize the blooming period, it is best to plant varieties with different blooming times.