Species Campanule À Feuilles De Pêcher Guide
light-blue flowers with lavender stigmas, cream stamens, and lime leaves

Campanule À Feuilles De Pêcher

Campanula persicifolia subsp. persicifolia



Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Care Level:



Campanule à feuilles de Pêcher prefers moist but well-drained soil and regular watering. It needs to be watered roughly 1-2 times per week, allowing the soil to dry between watering. During hot weather and in summer, Campanue à feuilles de Pêcher will need more water, so you may need to increase the frequency or amount of watering. When watering, it is best to water thoroughly until water starts to run off from the drainage holes, and then wait a day or 2 for the soil to dry out. If the soil appears dry and wilted, it may be time to water again.


Campanule À Feuilles De Pêcher (Campanula persicifolia subsp. persicifolia) prefers full-sun to partial shade, preferably during the morning. The plants enjoy at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day, but can tolerate up to 8 hours in mild climates. However, this plant species should be provided shade during the hottest part of the day, particularly from mid-afternoon onward.


The best time to prune a Campanule à Feuilles de Pêcher (Campanula persicifolia subsp. persicifolia) is in the spring, when there is little danger of frost damage. Prune in the fall after the plant has finished flowering. The amount of pruning should be limited to removing any dead or damaged growth and shaping the plant. An overall hard pruning is generally not necessary for this plant species. To prevent legginess, lightly prune the plant every couple of years, shaping it into an attractive ball or mound shape. This will encourage bushy growth and promotes abundant flowering.

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