Species Circumpolar Sedge Guide
brown-beige spikelets on lime stem

Circumpolar Sedge

Carex adelostoma




Division,Seed Propagation,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


Partial Shade, Shade


Clay, Sand, Loam



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:



Circumpolar Sedge (Carex adelostoma) is a resilient, clump-forming grass that is native to cold temperate regions. Its foliage is deep green in colour and is extremely attractive when planted in rock gardens, along pathways, or in perennial flower beds. For optimal growth, Circumpolar Sedge requires moist, well-drained soil and plenty of direct sunlight. During summer, it should be watered on a regular basis. Depending on your climate and soil type, water once a week to a depth of 3-4 inches. During the winter months, water less frequently, about every 2 weeks, to avoid waterlogging the soil. In very dry climates, supplemental watering may be necessary to keep the plant healthy. Avoid overwatering as this may result in root rot or other fungal diseases. During dry periods, mulch around the plants to help reduce evaporation and conserve moisture.


Circumpolar Sedge (Carex adelostoma) enjoys full sun and moderate air temperatures. For best growth, it should receive 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day, with temperatures ranging from 75°F to 90°F. For optimal performance, it should be placed in a location that is warm and sunny during the spring months and shaded during the hot summer months. Direct morning sun and light afternoon shade are ideal conditions. It is best to avoid locations that are constantly in full shade or full sun for extended periods of time.


Circumpolar Sedge should be pruned once a year. The best time to prune the plant is in Spring, just before the new growth starts. When pruning, you should remove old foliage, dead or damaged stems, and any dead or damaged flowers. Make sure to cut back the plant to promote fresh growth. It is also important to thin out overcrowded shoots to ensure optimal growth. Prune the plant lightly and evenly, leaving enough foliage to provide structure and shade. Make sure not to remove more than 30% of the total growth at any 1 time, as this could damage the plant.