Propagation Embryo Rescue

Embryo Rescue


Embryo rescue is a plant breeding technique that involves removing the embryos from the seeds and providing them with special care and conditions to facilitate their development into viable plants.

Propagation Steps

Step 1 - First, you have to identify the embryos. In certain plant species, the embryos within the seeds may encounter barriers to normal germination and growth. These barriers include embryo dormancy, genetic abnormalities, or incompatible crossbreeding.

Step 2 - Once you identify the barrier, the seeds containing embryos should be extracted using sterile tools or techniques. This is typically done under aseptic conditions to prevent contamination.

Step 3 - The seeds should then be sterilized to eliminate any microorganisms or pathogens that could hinder their development. This is typically done by treating embryos with disinfectants.

Step 4 - Once the embryos are sterilized, they are placed in a suitable growth medium, such as agar or a nutrient solution, in a sterile container or Petri dish. The medium provides nutrients and support for embryo growth.

Step 5 - The embryos should be placed in a controlled environment, typically in a growth chamber or greenhouse, where temperature, light, and humidity can be regulated. The specific conditions may vary depending on plant species.

Step 6 - Once the rescued embryos have developed into seedlings or young plants with sufficient growth, they can be transplanted into the soil or suitable growing conditions, either in pots or directly in the field.