Wandering Fireweed
Chamaenerion angustifolium subsp. circumvagum
Hardiness Zone:
full sun,part shade
brown,tan Fruits Ready In Fall
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Fireweed requires regular watering to thrive and is best if watered once a week when soil is dry to the touch. Depending on the region, soil type, and amount of sun and wind the plant receives, it may need to be watered more or less often but should never be allowed to become waterlogged or completely dry. During hot/dry summer months, Fireweed will need more frequent watering, preferably at the base of each plant to prevent leaves from becoming water-stressed and wilting, while they can sometimes tolerate periods of drought during milder/cooler weather. For optimal growth, they should be watered every 7-10 days or as needed to maintain regular moisture levels.
Fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium subsp. angustifolium) requires full to partial sunlight for optimal growth. It likes to receive several hours of direct sunlight each day, typically for about 6 hours. Morning sunlight is the best because it avoids leaf burn. However, during the hottest part of the summer it is best to provide some afternoon shade, as too much direct sun can cause the leaves to wilt. Fireweed is also quite tolerant of light shade, so when growing this plant, it can help to find a spot that gets a mix of morning sun and dappled afternoon shade.
Fireweed is a deciduous, herbaceous perennial that needs light pruning throughout the summer to help promote canopy air circulation and sunlight penetration. Pruning should be done in early spring (March-April) after any remaining winter damage has been identified and removed. Lightly snip off any tall branches that break the overall height and symmetry of the bush. Remove any branches that have become restrictive or overly thick. Thin out extra branches that are competing for sunlight and air. Dead or dying branches should also be removed. In the summer (June-July) again lightly prune and correct any new branches that are stunted, dead or growing too closely together. In late fall (September-October), heavily prune the entire plant down to 6-12 inches tall. This helps to encourage a more symmetrical growth and shape.