Species Pink Rockrose
Magenta flower with gold center, green leaves and brown stem.

Pink Rockrose

Cistus creticus

Pink Rockrose (Cistus creticus) is a member of the Cistaceae family. It is an evergreen shrub native to parts of Greece and the Mediterranean region. The plant has fragrant pink flowers that bloom in the spring and summer months. It has a rounded, mounded form and is drought and salt tolerant. The leaves are leathery and glossy with pale gray-green serrated edges. The bright pink blooms make the plant a great addition to any garden. It also attracts bees and butterflies which makes it great for pollinator gardens. It requires well-drained soil and prefers full sun or light shade. It is easy to care for, making it a great choice for beginner gardeners.




Seed Propagation,Cutting,Layering Propagation,Division

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Salt Tolerant:




Care Level:



Pink Rockrose (Cistus creticus) is a drought-tolerant shrub that does best in dry, well-drained soils. It is important to water it regularly during its first growing season so that it can establish a deep root system. After that, it’s best to give the plant only occasional watering. During the summer months, water the plant once or twice a month, but only deeply enough to moisten the soil several inches below the surface. During the cooler months, water sparingly, as the plant needs time to dry out and rest.


Pink Rockrose (Cistus creticus) prefers to grow in direct sunlight, however, it can tolerate partial shade. It needs 6 to 8 hours of sunlight a day in order to thrive. The best time to get optimal exposure to sunlight for this plant is between 10am and 4pm when the sun is at its strongest. During the summer months, Cistus creticus may benefit from some filtering of sunlight due to the intense heat. If planted in a sunny spot, it can withstand temperatures from -12°C to 48°C (10°F to 118°F).


Pink Rockrose (Cistus creticus) does not require much pruning. However, if you want to shape the plant and help it maintain a desired size, you can lightly prune the plants in late winter or early spring, just as it begins to bloom. Prune the stems just above the flower buds and leave at least 1 flower bud in each stem. This will help encourage the production of more stems and promote more flowers. Avoid pruning too late in the season, as this may interfere with the development of flower buds for the following year.