Species clematis
Pink flower with yellow stamen, yellow stigma, green leaves, white buds, yellow midrib and veins.


Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'

The Clematis ā€˜Comtesse de Bouchaudā€™ is an amazing, twining woody vine with large, vibrant lavender-blue flowers. It produces an abundance of blossoms throughout the growing season that attracts butterflies and bees. The attractive, toothed, deep green foliage and the hint of sweet almond-like fragrance in the flowers accentuate the ornamental beauty. This spectacular deciduous vine is easy to care for and can be easily pruned and trained to adorn your home or garden. Its vigorous growth habit makes it an ideal choice for covering fences or trellises with its majestic beauty. The Clematis ā€˜Comtesse de Bouchaudā€™ is truly an amazing plant that will certainly add stunningly beautiful colors and scents to your garden.





Hardiness Zone:

4 - 9


Rose pink Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



This particular species of clematis (Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud') should be watered thoroughly once a week during its flowering season. After the flowers have faded, reduce the amount of watering to about 3 or 4 times per month. During the non-flowering season, it should be watered only when the soil has chance to dry out. It should never be allowed to dry out completely. The best way to water this clematis is to give it a deep watering of about an inch or 2 of water per week. Make sure to water the soil and not the foliage as this species of clematis is susceptible to fungal problems and water on the leaves can cause it to become infected. Keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy at all times.


Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud' does best with 6-8 hours of full sun during the morning then filtered shade in the afternoon. When possible, it should be planted in a location that will receive morning sun, but have it shaded by mid-afternoon. This will help to avoid overheating of the foliage, which can damage or kill the plant. Additionally, if the area where the Clematis is planted is particularly windy, some additional protection may be necessary in order to reduce wind stress, such as a fence or hedge.


Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud' should be pruned twice a year to keep it looking its best and to promote healthy new growth. Pruning should be done in late winter (February to March) and again in mid-summer (July to August). In late winter, prune the plant back to about 2 feet from the ground. This will remove any dead or diseased stems and encourage strong new growth in the spring. In mid-summer, after the initial growth is complete, prune the stems that are producing flowers. Cut them back to just 2 or 3 buds from the main stem. This will keep the plant from becoming overgrown and ensure more beautiful blooms in late summer and early fall. Overall, it is important not to overprune clematis, as this can severely damage the plant and prevent it from flowering. Pruning should also be done with caution to avoid damaging the stems.


Starts Flowering

Hardiness Map


Can Clematis plants grow in pots?

Yes, Clematis plants can definitely be grown in pots. When planting a Clematis in a pot make sure to use a larger size pot with drainage holes and fill it with a mix of well-draining potting soil and compost. Ensure to keep the root area cool and the pot in a sunny location while providing regular water and fertilization. Check the plant almost daily to make sure it is not becoming too dry. Clematis can do well in a pot and with the right care and conditions, they will thrive.

Are Clematis plants self-pollinating?

No, clematis plants are not self-pollinating. Clematis plants need pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths and other insects to transfer pollen from the male anthers to the female stigma of the flower in order to produce viable seed. Pollination must also occur within relatively close proximity of the same species in order to create viable hybrid plants.

Can Clematis plants be grown as a houseplant?

Yes, Clematis plants can be grown as a houseplant. It is best to grow them in a pot with full sun and a soil that is rich in organic material and retains moisture. When potting the plant, place a stake or trellis next to the pot so that the vine can climb when it begins to grow. Be sure to water your Clematis plant regularly to keep it healthy and growing. Additionally, keep an eye out for pests and treat with natural insecticides as necessary.

Could Clematis plants survive in a colder climate?

Yes, Clematis plants can survive in colder climates with proper preparation. If planted in the fall, proper mulching should be done to protect the roots from cold temperatures. If planted in the spring, they should be watered frequently to help them adjust to the cooler temperatures more quickly. If temperatures drop below -20Ā°C ( -4Ā°F), additional measures may need to be taken such as the application of protective wraps and thermal insulation. Additionally, plants in exposed areas should be protected from the wind to prevent excessive dehydration. With the right measures in place, Clematis plants can easily survive in colder climates.

Could Clematis plants be grown in a greenhouse?

Yes, clematis plants can be grown in a greenhouse. Due to their vine-like growth habit and tropical native origins, clematis plants thrive in the moist and warm environment of a greenhouse. Clematis are generally grown from cuttings or from dividing existing plants, and benefit from regular pruning and fertilizing. They will also enjoy the indirect light of a greenhouse and the protection from strong winds and temperatures that the humidity and contained environment provides.

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