Species clematis
maroon flowers with maroon-white center on red-brown stems and lush-green leaves with green veins


Clematis 'Gravetye Beauty'

Clematis 'Gravetye Beauty' is an amazing plant species bursting with life and beauty. It produces brilliant pink flowers that bloom from late spring and remain throughout mid-summer. This species is a vigorous clematis, providing height and color to your garden. Its bright reddish-pink flowers have creamy yellow centers and are set against its dark, evergreen foliage. Its versatility, easy maintenance, and stunning backdrop make it an attractive addition to the garden. With the right care and pruning, Clematis 'Gravetye Beauty' can be a signature piece in any yard for many years.






Layering Propagation,Cutting,Division,Grafting Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 8


Red with pale pink outer edge stripes Flowers


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



When watering this plant species, about 1 inch of water should be applied every week during the growing season (spring to fall). While this is a drought-tolerant species, regular watering will promote healthy growth and more flowers. Watering can be reduced in the winter when plant growth slows. The clematis requires consistent watering for the first year until it is established, and then it should be watered as needed to maintain consistent moisture levels in the soil.


Clematis 'Gravetye Beauty' requires at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day for optimal growth. During the warm months, provide shade if possible for the plant in the afternoon to minimize wilting. If the plant is placed in an area that receives more of a diffuse light (such as under trees or near buildings), supplement with artificial light to ensure it gets the full 6 to 8 hours of sunlight.


The ideal time for pruning a Clematis 'Gravetye Beauty' is late winter or early spring, right before new growth begins in the spring. It's important to remember to never prune more than a third of the plant at any given time, as this could cause shock to the plant and hinder flower production for the coming season. Additionally, some varieties of Clematis may require additional pruning in the summer months to maintain size and shape.


Starts Flowering

Clematis 'Gravetye Beauty' typically starts flowering in late spring, usually in May or June.

Starts Flowering

Clematis 'Gravetye Beauty' typically starts flowering in late spring, usually in May or June.

Hardiness Map


Can Clematis plants grow in pots?

Yes, Clematis plants can definitely be grown in pots. When planting a Clematis in a pot make sure to use a larger size pot with drainage holes and fill it with a mix of well-draining potting soil and compost. Ensure to keep the root area cool and the pot in a sunny location while providing regular water and fertilization. Check the plant almost daily to make sure it is not becoming too dry. Clematis can do well in a pot and with the right care and conditions, they will thrive.

Are Clematis plants self-pollinating?

No, clematis plants are not self-pollinating. Clematis plants need pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths and other insects to transfer pollen from the male anthers to the female stigma of the flower in order to produce viable seed. Pollination must also occur within relatively close proximity of the same species in order to create viable hybrid plants.

Can Clematis plants be grown as a houseplant?

Yes, Clematis plants can be grown as a houseplant. It is best to grow them in a pot with full sun and a soil that is rich in organic material and retains moisture. When potting the plant, place a stake or trellis next to the pot so that the vine can climb when it begins to grow. Be sure to water your Clematis plant regularly to keep it healthy and growing. Additionally, keep an eye out for pests and treat with natural insecticides as necessary.

Could Clematis plants survive in a colder climate?

Yes, Clematis plants can survive in colder climates with proper preparation. If planted in the fall, proper mulching should be done to protect the roots from cold temperatures. If planted in the spring, they should be watered frequently to help them adjust to the cooler temperatures more quickly. If temperatures drop below -20°C ( -4°F), additional measures may need to be taken such as the application of protective wraps and thermal insulation. Additionally, plants in exposed areas should be protected from the wind to prevent excessive dehydration. With the right measures in place, Clematis plants can easily survive in colder climates.

Could Clematis plants be grown in a greenhouse?

Yes, clematis plants can be grown in a greenhouse. Due to their vine-like growth habit and tropical native origins, clematis plants thrive in the moist and warm environment of a greenhouse. Clematis are generally grown from cuttings or from dividing existing plants, and benefit from regular pruning and fertilizing. They will also enjoy the indirect light of a greenhouse and the protection from strong winds and temperatures that the humidity and contained environment provides.