Species Mexican male fern
light-green leaves on green-beige petioles and stems

Mexican male fern

Dryopteris pseudofilix-mas

The Mexican male fern (Dryopteris pseudofilix-mas) is an amazing addition to any garden. This evergreen fern is well adapted to dry climates, remaining vibrant and green throughout the year. Its deep-green foliage makes a spectacular backdrop for any plants in its vicinity. The Mexican male fern is a fast grower and can quickly create breathtaking, lush displays with its medium-textured fronds. Its growth habit and graceful character make it easy to use as a groundcover and is therefore the perfect choice for shaded areas under deciduous trees and shrubs. It's a great low maintenance, trouble free addition to any garden and can be used to create beautiful displays that will bring delight for years to come.






Division,Cutting,Spore Propagation,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 8


Non-flowering Flowers


Part shade,full shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Mexican male ferns should be watered regularly, once per week or when the soil feels dry. Always water at the base of the plant and not on the fronds. Do not overwater, as this can cause root rot and can kill the plant. Provide enough water so that the entire root system is saturated. Mexican male ferns can tolerate even moisture, so it is important to monitor the soil regularly and water when necessary.


Mexican male fern (Dryopteris pseudofilix-mas) requires full sun to partial shade for optimal growth. If growing indoors, the fronds should be exposed to direct sunlight for at least 6-8 hours per day. When planting outdoors, it should be placed in a sunny spot which receives morning sunlight but is partially shaded during the hottest parts of the day. It is important to limit the amount of direct sunlight the fern receives during the hottest periods of the day since this can lead to scorching and wilting of the leaves.


Mexican male ferns should be pruned once a year in early spring, before new growth appears. The amount to prune depends on how large and overgrown the fern is. Start by removing any dead, dying, or damaged fronds. If pruning to restrict the size, then remove up to a third of the fronds on the plant. Afterwards, thin out a few of the fronds to ensure proper air circulation around the fern. Additionally, prune back any fronds that are beginning to flop over and detract from the overall aesthetic.

Hardiness Map