Gladiolus 'Sapporo'
Hardiness Zone:
7 - 10
Pink and yellow with a red heart Flowers
Full sun
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Gladiolus 'Sapporo' plants should be watered regularly, about once or twice a week depending on the drainage of the soil. A good rule of thumb is to water when the soil begins to look and feel dry to the touch or when the leaves of the plant start to droop. Water until the soil is moist but not soggy. Watering near the base of the plant is best. During hot and dry days, you may need to water more frequently. Excessive or insufficient watering can cause stunted growth or wilting of the plant.
Gladiolus 'Sapporo' should be planted in a location that receives 6 to 8 hours of full sun per day. It does not thrive when exposed to direct sunlight in extreme temperatures for long periods of time, so it's important to ensure that the area is shaded from the hottest part of the day. While during the cooler, more moderate months, the plant may do well in full sun for up to 8 hours a day, it is important to ensure that the plant gets adequate shade during the hottest months. In these months, it is recommended that the plant be placed in a location that receives early afternoon shade.
Gladiolus 'Sapporo' should be pruned lightly every 1-2 years after it has finished blooming. Pruning should include removing any dead, diseased and damaged foliage, as well as trimming back the foliage to within a few inches of the soil and any long weak stems growing underneath. Take care to avoid cutting too close to the ground, as the corms (bulb) may be exposed if the foliage is removed too far down the stem. Additionally, old flowering stalks should be cut off to the ground or at least to the first bud. Depending on the size of the plant, 1-2 inches can be removed from the top and sides of the foliage. Pruning will help to encourage healthy new foliage and flower production.