Species impatiens
baby pink flowers with dark-pink center, and shiny, green, oval-shaped leaves



Impatiens BOUNCE SERIES is a spectacular and vibrant annual that will add a splash of colour to your garden. They produce large bright petals that range in pigment from hot pink to deep purple. This hardy plant is easy to maintain and thrives in shaded or semi-shaded areas. Its petals are built to withstand the cold, so it will stay vibrant even in winter. Additionally, its height of up to 30 cm is ideal for containers and small- to medium-sized gardens. The Impatiens BOUNCE SERIES is sure to enrich any outdoor area with its spectacular visuals and low-maintenance care requirements.






Seed Propagation,Cutting,Division,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

10 - 11


White, Red, Pink Flowers


Part shade,full shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Impatiens Bounce Series plants require frequent watering to maintain their health and vitality. Water them deeply when the top 2-3 inches of soil is dry to the touch, but ensure that the soil is never completely dry. Be sure to pour the water at the base of the plant, taking care not to wet the foliage. Watering frequency will depend on the climate and environment, and will need to be adjusted accordingly. Typically, watering once every 2 to 3 days is recommended. When the temperatures are hot, water more often, or as often as once per day.


Impatiens Bounce Series is a plant species that prefers bright, indirect sunlight for best growth. Provide these plants with 6-8 hours of filtered sunlight or direct sunlight a day, ensuring that they don’t receive more than 8 hours of direct sunlight or their leaves may get scorched. Avoid placing Impatiens Bounce Series plants in direct sunlight during the brightest hours of the day, which are usually the middle of the day, and instead choose a morning or late evening period when the sunlight is mellow. If you get plenty of sunlight, you can also move the plants from 1 area to another during the day to keep them in the shade. Take care not to overwater Impatiens Bounce Series plants as they are particularly susceptible to root rot. Enjoy having these beautiful plants in your garden or home!


For the Impatiens BOUNCE SERIES, you should prune as necessary throughout the growing season to maintain a compact, attractive shape, taking care not to over-prune. Pruning can be done anytime during the growing season after the first few blooms have emerged. Aim to remove no more than 1-third of the plant’s total height and focus on removing dead or woody stems and shaping the plant. Be sure to make clean, sharp cuts just above a node (a bump or bulge of a stem) so the plant can regenerate more quickly.


Starts Flowering

Impatiens BOUNCE SERIES typically start flowering in late spring, usually in May or June.

Starts Flowering

Impatiens BOUNCE SERIES typically start flowering in late spring, usually in May or June.

Hardiness Map


Do impatiens plants attract butterflies?

Yes, impatiens plants do attract butterflies. These flowering plants not only help to create a vibrant display, but their flowers are also rich in nectar, a favorite food for butterflies. Furthermore, their vibrant colors and fragrant aroma serves as an additional attraction to these fascinating creatures. By creating a butterfly garden with several varieties of impatiens, you can attract many species of butterflies and create a colorful and exciting natural environment.

Are impatiens plants invasive?

No, impatiens plants are not considered to be invasive. These plants are actually quite popular for use in ornamental gardens and for in-door house plants, as they are easily maintained and require minimal care. While some types of impatiens may have the potential to spread and become weedy, they usually do not become a major issue. In some warm climates, they can act like annuals, dying at the end of the season and naturally controlling their spread.

Do impatiens have a strong scent?

No, impatiens do not have a strong scent. They have a faint, sweet, floral aroma that is only detectable when the flowers are in bloom. In some cases, breezes can carry the scent for short distances, such as over a garden path or near an open window. However, the scent is not strong, and it dissipates quickly.

Do impatiens come in different colors?

Yes, impatiens come in a variety of different colors. Most commonly, impatiens are found in bright and cheerful shades of pink, purple, red, white, orange, and yellow. Rarely, you may even find impatiens with bicolor flowers or a unique swirl of two or more colors. Some varieties of impatiens may even be found in shades of purple, burgundy, and creamy yellow. Depending on the species of impatiens, some may only be found in one specific color, while others may come in multiple different shades and varieties.

Are the impatiens plant easy to grow?

Yes, impatiens plants are very easy to grow. This plant is a great choice for even beginner gardeners, as it is a very low maintenance plant that is tolerant to a variety of conditions. Impatiens plants thrive in partial shade and moist soil, making them perfect for the home garden. In addition, since they are attractive and don't need much care or nutrients, they are a popular choice among gardeners.

Are impatiens plants self-seeding?

No, impatiens plants are not self-seeding, which means they will not drop their seeds and regrow on their own. In order to replant these flowers, you will need to buy fresh seed or start new plants from cuttings.

Is the impatiens plant suitable for indoor air purification?

Yes, the impatiens plant is suitable for indoor air purification. Its beautiful, vibrant, and full blooms act as natural air purifiers, filtering out pollutants known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These pollutants are often found in our indoor environments and have been linked to health issues such as difficulty breathing, skin irritation, and eye irritation. Keeping an impatiens plant near a window or other area that receives adequate sunlight and watering it regularly are key in keeping the air in your home or office refreshingly clean.

Should impatiens be grown in a greenhouse?

Yes, impatiens can be grown in a greenhouse. They prefer warm, humid conditions and will thrive in the more controlled environment of a greenhouse. Plus, with an adjustable thermostat, you'll be able to adjust the greenhouse's temperature and humidity to meet the needs of impatiens. Additionally, a greenhouse also acts as a protective barrier, keeping out pests and preventing diseases. With a little bit of care and attention, growing impatiens in a greenhouse can result in a flourishing garden of vibrant blooms.