tall bearded reblooming iris
Iris 'Lemon Duet'
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
3 - 10
White edged with lemon yellow Flowers In Spring
Full sun
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Care Level:
Tall bearded reblooming iris (Iris 'Lemon Duet') should be watered deeply and regularly once a week during their blooming period throughout the summer. Water should be applied until the soil is drenched and the water appears at the surface of the soil. During the winter months, water is not necessary as the plant is dormant.
Tall bearded reblooming iris, such as Iris 'Lemon Duet', need plenty of sun to reach their full flower potential. Generally, these plants prefer 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. During the hottest part of the day, however, the iris may need some extra protection from the sun. During midday, if the temperature starts to rise, providing some shade for the plants may help to prevent the leaves from burning. Additionally, providing enough indirect or dappled light is important for these plants as it encourages the iris’s production of blooms. While too little light will cause the plants to become leggy and produce fewer blooms, too much can lead to sunburn, so be sure to adjust as necessary.
The pruning of Tall Bearded Reblooming Iris (Iris 'Lemon Duet') should be done annually from late summer to early fall. It is best to prune after the irises have finished flowering as this will ensure removal of old, spent flowers as well as promote new growth. Pruning should not be done prior to flowering as this may slow the flowering process. The amount to be pruned depends on the size and vigor of the Iris; however, as a general rule, it is important to trim away any overly thick patches of foliage to allow for better air flow and light penetration. Additionally, the basal foliage can be cut back to encourage branching. When pruning, be sure to take care not to damage any of the live growth as this can impair the growth of the root system and, ultimately, the health of the plant.