tall bearded iris
Iris 'City Lights'
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
3 - 10
Violet blue with white center zones Flowers In Spring
Full sun
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Tall bearded iris (Iris 'City Lights') requires regular watering throughout the growing season. The plants should be watered deeply once a week, or more often, if the weather is particularly warm and dry, to keep the soil moist. To avoid disease, water Iris 'City Lights' with a soaker hose or sprinkle it with a gentle shower-like spray. Water the plants during the morning so the foliage has time to dry off before nightfall. Avoid splattering muddy water on the foliage and water only the root area. Iris 'City Lights' should not be allowed to dry out completely during the growing season, however, overwatering can cause problems, too, so be careful not to flood the root area.
Tall bearded irises require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily while they’re actively growing and blooming in the spring and summer months. These types of irises do best when they receive full sun throughout the day, and light partial shade in the late afternoon. During the colder months of the year, they benefit from at least 4 hours of sunlight daily. When temperatures are very hot, the plants require even more shade, in order to protect them from the sun’s intense rays.
Tall bearded iris (Iris 'City Lights') should be pruned yearly in early spring, before new growth begins. Begin by removing all dead and diseased foliage, including any leaves that show signs of rust or blight. Cut them down to the ground using clean, sharp pruning shears. Next, carefully remove any spent flower stalks from the previous season's bloom. Finally, prune back any foliage that looks overcrowded or is taller than the desired height of the flower bed. Aim to cut the foliage down to about 8-10 inches to encourage new growth.