Asiatic lily
Lilium 'Vermeer'
Hardiness Zone:
4 - 8
Pink with white center Flowers
Full sun,part shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Care Level:
To ensure proper growth and blooms for Asiatic lily (Lillium Vermeer), it is best to water the plant deeply once a week. Make sure the soil is very moist, but not soaking wet. To avoid root rot, it is best to make sure that there is good drainage so that the plants do not sit in excess water. During the warmer summer months, watering may need to be done more often, such as twice a week or more. Aside from weekly watering, it is important to keep the soil lightly moist during the spring and summer months. To check when to water your Asiatic lily, feel the soil with your finger. If it's dry, it is time to water.
Asiatic lily (Lilium 'Vermeer') does best when grown in sunny locations. They require 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day during the growing season. It is important to note that these lilies should not be exposed to full sun for most of the day as this may cause the leaves to burn and the flowers to fade. During the summer, it is best to provide the lilies with morning sun and some dappled shade during the hottest part of the day. In the winter, move the lilies to locations with more indirect light, such as a south- or southwest-facing window.
Asiatic lilies such as Lilium 'Vermeer' should be pruned shortly after they are finished blooming. Although pruning is not necessary for this plant, it can help to encourage new blooms to form. Before pruning, cut, or deadheading, it is important to remove any dead leaves, stems, or other debris from the base of the plant. When it comes to actually pruning the lily, only the stem should be removed, as the foliage should be left alone. Cut the stem back to the soil level, or to the next lowest set of buds. The entire stem should be cut off at once in 1 snip. Avoid shearing the plant (trimming or cutting off all stems at the same height) as it can reduce flowering the following year. It is also important not to prune to drastically as doing so can be damaging to the Asiatic lily. By following this guide, you can safely prune your Asiatic lily and help it to produce more blooms for the following season.