Species raspberry
lime-green leaves with red fruits and brown-green stems


Rubus idaeus 'Aureus'

The raspberry is a species of Rubus idaeus 'Aureus' that can be found in cooler climates in eastern Europe and northern Asia. It is a deciduous, perennial shrub that has upright, cane-like branches and produces yellow-orange fruits that are tart and sweet in flavor. Raspberries offer numerous health benefits due to their high antioxidant, mineral, and vitamin content. They are rich in fiber, magnesium, folate, manganese, iron, and vitamin C, making them a great addition to any diet. The plant is low maintenance and highly productive, capable of producing up to fourteen pints per season. With its sweet-tart flavor, bright berries, and versatile uses, raspberry 'Aureus' is an excellent choice for gardens and gardens of all sizes.






Cutting,Layering Propagation,Tissue Culture,Grafting Propagation,Division

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 8


White Flowers


Full sun,part shade


gold,yellow Fruits Ready In Summer





Growth Rate:




Care Level:



For watering your raspberry (Rubus idaeus 'Aureus') plant, it is important to maintain consistent soil moisture and keep the soil evenly moist throughout the growing season. During the growing season, water your raspberry plants weekly with 1 inch of water. Water from the base of the plant and avoid wetting the foliage, as too much moisture on the leaves can lead to fungal problems. Additionally, mulch your raspberry plants with a 3-inch layer of organic material, such as straw or pine needles, to help retain moisture in the soil. During periods of drought or heat stress, water your raspberry plants every 5-7 days with 1 inch of water or as needed. During the winter months, reduce watering, as the plants go into a dormant state.


Raspberry (Rubus idaeus 'Aureus') is a perennial shrub that prefers to grow in sunny, warm areas with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. It is best to provide the raspberry plant with full sun during the early and mid-morning hours, and partial shade during the hottest part of the day. It is important to ensure that the sun is consistently available for the plant, as it will need consistent lighting and warmth in order to produce a strong, healthy plant.


Raspberry plants should be pruned twice a year, in late winter or early spring before new growth appears and then again in mid-summer after their summer fruits have been harvested. For the winter pruning, raspberry shrubs should be reduced to 3-4 strong canes per foot of row. All weak, spindly growth should be removed, including any canes that are crossing or rubbing against each other. For the mid-summer pruning, remove any dead canes or canes that were damaged in the winter pruning. Also, reduce any remaining canes to 3-4 per foot of row. This will help to ensure there is enough room and sunlight for the strongest canes to get the most nutrients, avoiding overcrowding and disease.


Starts Flowering

Raspberry plants typically start flowering in April or May.

Harvest Fruit

The best time to start harvesting the fruits from Rubus idaeus 'Aureus' (raspberry) is typically in June or July.

Hardiness Map


Is It Possible to Grow Raspberry Trees Indoors?

Yes, it is possible to grow raspberry trees indoors. Although raspberry bushes are usually planted outdoors in a garden, with the right environment and care, it is possible to grow a raspberry bush indoors. Raspberry plants are susceptible to certain pests and diseases, so providing a sufficiently healthy growing environment is important. Additionally, raspberry bushes thrive in soil with good drainage and an adequate amount of water and fertilizer. If properly cared for, an indoor raspberry bush can produce delicious fruit each summer.

Should I Provide Support for Raspberry Tree Canes?

Yes, it is important to provide support for raspberry tree canes. This is to ensure that the canes are able to stay upright and not become damaged due to wind or heavy rain. You can use a stake, trellis, or other type of support to keep the canes from bending or tipping over. This will make them easier to pick the fruits and also help promote air circulation, which can help prevent diseases. A raspberry tree cane that is properly supported will result in better crop yields and overall fruit quality.

Should I Mulch Around Raspberry Trees?

Yes, absolutely! Mulching around raspberry trees is beneficial as it helps to prevent weeds, retain moisture and capture important nutrients from leaching away. You should apply a layer of organic mulch such as straw, grass clippings, compost, sawdust, or bark across the base of the plants in late winter for best results. This will also help to insulate the roots and prevent the spread of disease. Make sure the mulch isn't too thick; a 3-inch layer should be enough.

Do Raspberry Trees Attract Beneficial Pollinators?

Yes, raspberry trees do attract beneficial pollinators. These pollinators are primarily bees and other small insects that feed on the nectar and pollen of raspberry flowers. These pollinators are important for the reproduction of raspberries, as they help transfer pollen from male to female flowers to enable fruit production. Not only do the pollinators benefit raspberry trees by ensuring fruit production, but they also provide a benefit to the environment as a whole by aiding the pollination process for other plants and flowers.

Does Raspberry Trees Produce Fruit in the First Year?

No, raspberry trees generally do not produce fruit in the first year. Usually, raspberry trees will not produce fruit until their third or fourth year. During the first two years, the raspberry plants are still in the establishment phase and are focusing their growth on putting down a strong root system and establishing healthy canes that are capable of producing fruit. Fertilizing the plants at the proper time throughout the growing season can help to speed up their fruiting capability.

Do Raspberry Trees Spread Quickly?

Raspberry trees are not known for spreading quickly and sometimes can take up to a few years before they begin to spread. While individual plants can spread quickly, a single raspberry tree will typically not spread at a rapid pace. If you would like raspberry trees to spread quickly, you could opt for a species known to be a vigorous spreader, such as a Loganberry or a hybrid that includes a varieties like the Boyne. You could also create conditions with a lot of organic material and water to give the plants an extra boost.

Do Raspberry Trees Have Invasive Traits?

Raspberry trees do not generally have particularly invasive traits and can be a great choice for an edible landscape planting. Raspberry canes are not typically known to take over areas or spread beyond where they were planted, however they can easily propagate themselves from the berries when they fall onto the ground. For this reason, it's best to stay vigilant and watch for volunteers that can spread away from the desired planting area. As long as you stay on top of any volunteers and practice timely pruning of the canes each season, raspberry trees should not be a problem in landscaping.

Should I deadhead Raspberry Flowers?

Deadheading raspberry flowers is a great way to keep your plants healthy and attractive. It encourages plant vigour, prolongs bloom time, and reduces disease by removing spent flowers or browned foliage. Deadheading helps to remove old flower stems so that the plant can use its energy to grow healthy new growth instead of growing more flowers. Deadheading is simply snipping off the shrub’s dead or dying stems at the base of the plant. Doing this will also enhance the appearance of the raspberry bush, making it look more attractive.