red raspberry
Rubus 'Latham'
Hardiness Zone:
3 - 8
White Flowers
Full sun,part shade
red Fruits Ready In Summer
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Care Level:
Red raspberry (Rubus 'Latham') should be watered twice a week in the general growing season of spring and summer. Water the roots of the plant deeply, soaking the soil to a depth of about 8 inches. Allow the soil to dry out in between waterings, and reduce waterings as the summer months end. In late fall and winter, water the red raspberry plant once every 1 to 2 weeks. Make sure to check the soil regularly and water as needed.
Red raspberry (Rubus 'Latham') grows best in full sun, with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. However, it will tolerate a bit of shade, so it can also be grown in dappled sunlight or light shade. Morning sun is generally preferable to afternoon sun, as this helps protect the raspberry plants from heat stress. Planting in an area that provides protection from strong winds is also important for reducing heat stress. When possible, try to provide protection from hot afternoon sun.
Red raspberry (Rubus 'Latham') should be pruned annually to keep the shrub productive. Pruning is best done early in spring, just as the plant begins new growth, in zones 3-7. Prune out dead canes and remove any weak canes or those that are overcrowded. Canes that are 2-3 years old should be cut back to 6-8 inches above ground level while older canes can be pruned to leave 12-18 inches above ground level. After the spring pruning, the raspberry canes should be monitored throughout summer for any disease or insect pests that may be present. If needed, prune out any diseased or infested canes.
Hardiness Map
Should I Mulch Around Raspberry Trees?
Yes, absolutely! Mulching around raspberry trees is beneficial as it helps to prevent weeds, retain moisture and capture important nutrients from leaching away. You should apply a layer of organic mulch such as straw, grass clippings, compost, sawdust, or bark across the base of the plants in late winter for best results. This will also help to insulate the roots and prevent the spread of disease. Make sure the mulch isn't too thick; a 3-inch layer should be enough.
Do Raspberry Trees Attract Beneficial Pollinators?
Yes, raspberry trees do attract beneficial pollinators. These pollinators are primarily bees and other small insects that feed on the nectar and pollen of raspberry flowers. These pollinators are important for the reproduction of raspberries, as they help transfer pollen from male to female flowers to enable fruit production. Not only do the pollinators benefit raspberry trees by ensuring fruit production, but they also provide a benefit to the environment as a whole by aiding the pollination process for other plants and flowers.