Species blanket flower

blanket flower

Gaillardia cvs.

Blanket flower is an incredibly attractive and easy to maintain perennial, favored by gardeners for its bright, bold colors and its ability to keep flowering in poor soil and drought conditions. The flowers of this species sprout from compact tufts of thin, grass-like foliage. The daisy-like blooms come in a range of shades including red, yellow, and orange, some with red tips or mixed petal colors. Blanket flower is relatively easy to grow and maintain, and will come back for many years. They prefer full sun and moderate to low water requirements.





Hardiness Zone:



Showy, Purple, Red Flowers In Summer


part sun/part shade,full sun


Fruits In Autumn Ready In



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:



Hardy fuchsia (Fuchsia magellanica var. macrostema 'Tricolor') should be watered deeply and regularly to ensure healthy growth. The best way to water this plant is to wait until the surface of the soil feels slightly dry to the touch before watering. During the warmer months, it's best practice to water at least once every 7-14 days. In the colder months, this should be cut back slightly to once every 14-21 days. Make sure you water it until the soil is thoroughly moistened, but be careful not to over-water it as it prefers well-draining soil and to be slightly dry between waterings.


Hardy fuchsias do best in bright, indirect light exposure with between 3 and 4 hours of direct sunlight every day for optimal flowering. During the summer months, it is best to place the plant in a partially shaded area, as the full effect of the sun’s heat may cause the leaves of the fuchsia to scorch in too much direct sunlight. Indirect light from eastern or western windows are a great choice for showing off the ‘Tricolor’ variety of hardy fuchsia.


Hardy fuchsia (Fuchsia magellanica var. macrostema 'Tricolor') should be pruned lightly throughout the growing season, with more pruning in late winter or early spring. Pruning should be done to maintain the desired shape of the plant and to remove dead, damaged or overcrowded branches. Light pruning should be done in summer and autumn, when new growth is starting to appear. During the winter and spring months, prune back all growth to the desired length, being careful not to cut back too much. To promote bushier growth and flowering, pinch back new growth in the summer and autumn. Old stems can be cut back to the ground during the winter and spring for vigorous renewal and better overall health of the plant.


Harvest Fruit

Starts Flowering

Starts Flowering

Harvest Fruit

Hardiness Map


Should blanket flowers be deadheaded?

Yes, blanket flowers should be deadheaded as this will encourage new growth and help create more blooms during their blooming season. Deadheading is the removal of any spent or wilted flowers, typically by gently pinching them off the stem with your fingers or by using clean and sharp pruners. This helps promote new growth and will keep the flowers looking tidy and healthy while also aiding in the blooming process.

Could blanket flowers be used as cut flowers?

Yes, blanket flowers (Gaillardia species) are an ideal choice for cut flowers. These flowers are bright and cheery, with unique and eye-catching blooms. Unlike many other wildflowers and garden plants, blanket flowers have long-lasting blooms that can easily last up to two weeks when cut. They are also very drought-tolerant, meaning they won’t quickly wilt when placed in water. Additionally, blanket flowers come in a variety of colors and shapes, and can be arranged in a variety of ways, making them very versatile in flower arranging and bouquet making.

Should blanket flowers be planted in groups or singly?

Blanket flowers, also known as gaillardia, look the best when planted in groups of three or more. Planting them in groups helps to create an eye-catching wave of blooms throughout your garden and an overall more natural look. On the other hand, if you want a more manicured look in your garden, you could plant blanket flowers singly. However, it's important to note that blanket flowers thrive best when planted in groups, as they are natively designed to grow in clusters.

Are blanket flowers invasive?

No, blanket flowers (Gaillardia spp.) are not considered invasive. These plants are actually native to North America and parts of Mexico and can often be found in areas such as meadows, roadsides, and open woodlands. Blanket flowers are also a popular garden plant due to their ease of care and tolerant nature to less than ideal soil conditions. They should not cause any damage to nearby ecosystems and can be a great addition to any garden.

Could blanket flowers be used in a wildflower meadow?

Yes, blanket flowers (Gaillardia pulchella) can be used in a wildflower meadow. These drought-tolerant flowers are quite hardy and full of bright colors such as red, orange and yellow, adding an extra splash of color. Blanket flowers tend to attract both butterflies and hummingbirds, adding to their appeal as a great way to add both beauty and pollinators to a wildflower meadow. Furthermore, they are typically low-maintenance and require little to no care. This makes them an excellent choice for novice gardeners who want to enjoy the wildflower meadow look without too much work.

Should blanket flowers be mulched?

Yes, blanket flowers should be mulched. Mulching blanket flowers helps to insulate the roots from extreme temperatures, retain moisture, and prevent weeds. It also adds organic matter which helps to maintain healthy soil structure. Blanket flowers should be mulched with an organic mulch such as bark chips, wood chips, dried leaves, or straw. The mulch should be about two to three inches deep and kept away from the base of the plant.

Are blanket flowers self-seeding?

Yes, blanket flowers are self-seeding. This means that when the flower’s petals drop off, the seed pods are left behind. These pod will then eventually dry up and when the conditions are right the seeds will sprout and the process of self-seeding will begin again. This means that blanket flowers can easily spread and naturalize if the conditions are right.

Do blanket flowers attract pollinators?

Yes, blanket flowers (Gaillardia pulchella) do attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. The long-lasting, daisy-like flowers produce copious amounts of nectar that are a great attraction for these insects. Additionally, the bright colors of the flowers also help to draw in pollinators from far away. This species of flower is even known for attracting predatory wasps in to its flowers, which helps to keep insect pests under control as well.

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