Species tomato


Solanum lycopersicum

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a warm season crop widely grown for its edible fruits. This herbaceous plant is a member of the nightshade family and grows best in warm climates with abundant sunlight. Fruits range in size from small cherry tomatoes to large beefsteak tomatoes. Tomatoes have a high nutritional value, containing lycopene, vitamin A, and various minerals and antioxidants. The fruits are an important ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine and are eaten as a vegetable or as a condiment. Besides culinary uses, tomatoes have therapeutic effects as they are thought to help reduce cholesterol levels and strengthen heart health.






Seed Propagation,Grafting Propagation

Hardiness Zone:



Yellow Flowers In Summer


full sun




green,red,yellow,purple,orange,black,white Fruits In Summer Ready In Summer





Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:



Water needs will vary based on factors such as temperature, soil composition, pot size and plant size. For young plants, it is best to water deeply, once or twice a week. As the plants mature, their watering needs will increase. During the warmer months, when they are actively growing, they should be watered deeply 2 to 3 times a week. In hotter conditions, they may need more, up to every other day. During the cooler months, water needs are reduced and the plants can be watered less frequently, ideally around once a week. Be careful not to over-water tomatoes, as they are prone to root rot and may develop fungal diseases. During the winter you may be able to water less often. Always check the soil before watering to make sure it is dry and only water when needed.


Tomatoes need at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day and they thrive best in direct sunlight, preferably the sunniest part of the day. However, it’s best to avoid direct sunlight during the hottest part of the afternoon as they can suffer scorch and sunburn if the sun is too harsh.


Tomato plants should be pruned when they are 12 to 18 inches tall and when their branches have 6 to 8 trusses of tomatoes. Prune out any additional shoots that are developing at the base of the tomato plant, and any suckers that are emerging in the joint between the main stem and its side branches. It is best to prune away no more than 2/3 of the above growth at any 1 time. For large indeterminate varieties, you should prune the first fruits when they reach about 3 inches. Leave some large leaves in place for the plant to have adequate shade and to keep the branches from breaking under the weight of the tomatoes. To maintain a tidy appearance, you can also prune away any yellowing leaves or stems.


Harvest Fruit

The harvesting of tomatoes typically begins in July and continues through October.

Starts Flowering

Tomatoes typically start flowering in April or May.

Harvest Fruit

The harvesting of tomatoes typically begins in July and continues through October.

Hardiness Map


Do Tomato plants self-pollinate?

Tomato plants can self-pollinate, meaning the plant is capable of fertilizing itself. Self-pollination can occur through a process called cleistogamy, wherein all the parts needed for pollen grain transfer and fertilization of the ovules are included in one flower. However, cross-pollination can also occur with insects and wind acting as pollinators transferring pollen from one flower to another. Cross-pollination of tomato plants can lead to a more vigorous growth and more fruit.

Do heirloom tomatoes grow better in the garden?

Yes, heirloom tomatoes can be grown very easily in a home garden as they are well adapted to growing in normal garden soil. They do not require much in the way of added nutrients or special treatment, and their good flavor makes them a favorite with home gardeners. Heirloom tomatoes typically produce larger and juicier fruits, and they also tend to have more interesting shapes and colors, which adds to their appeal for the home gardener. Although heirloom tomatoes may not produce as much fruit as newer hybrid varieties, they are still a great choice for home gardeners who appreciate their flavor and unique beauty.

Should I use organic soil for Tomato plants?

Yes, you should use organic soil for tomato plants. Organic soil helps to create a healthier soil system that is more conducive to growing tomatoes. It contains compost and other natural ingredients that provide essential nutrients for tomato growth and improve soil structure. Organic soil is free of chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers, which can damage the environment and create health issues for you and your family. Additionally, organic soil helps retain moisture, which gives tomatoes a higher yield. Ultimately, the benefits of organic soil far outweigh the costs, making it a great choice for tomatoes.

Do Tomatoes grow well in containers?

Yes, tomatoes can be grown very successfully in containers. It is important to choose a container that is large enough to provide adequate space for the root system, and it should be at least 12 inches deep. It is also important to select a variety of tomato that can tolerate the limited soil space of a container such as determinate or dwarf varieties. The soil should be well drained and fertile, and the soil should be kept evenly moist but not soggy. Tomatoes should be given ample sunlight to perform well in a container. If cared for properly, tomatoes can be a great addition to any container gardening plan.

Are there dwarf Tomato plant varieties?

Yes, there are dwarf tomato plant varieties. These plants are typically smaller than standard tomato plants, typically growing to no more than two or three feet tall. Dwarf tomatoes are well suited to container gardening, and many varieties are available in both determinate and indeterminate forms, so they can be grown in small spaces or indoors. These varieties can have sweet, flavorful fruit just like their larger cousins, though the smaller fruit size does mean there's less of it.

Should I pinch off Tomato plant suckers?

Yes, you should pinch off tomato plant suckers. Pinching off tomato suckers promotes a plant’s ability to focus its energy on producing more fruit rather than more foliage. Pruning back both the main stem and suckers early in the season can result in larger, healthier plants that produce an earlier, larger harvest of fruit. Pinch off suckers when they are about 2-4” long. Use your thumb and forefinger to snap off the suckers - no gardening shears or knives are needed for removing suckers. Proper pruning of suckers also improves air circulation around the plant, which improves disease prevention.

Should I remove yellowing Tomato leaves?

Yes, you should remove yellowing tomato leaves. Yellowing leaves are usually a sign of stress from one or more environmental factors, such as too much or too little water, an imbalance of nutrients, or too much sun exposure. Removing these leaves can help reduce the stress on the plant and help prevent it from spreading to the healthier leaves, thus providing a better opportunity for successful growth and healthier yields.

Do Tomatoes thrive in raised beds?

Yes, tomatoes thrive in raised beds! Raised beds offer a number of benefits when it comes to growing tomatoes, such as improved soil drainage and aeration, the ability to control soil pH levels, deeper roots, and improved pest and disease control. The soil in the beds can also be enriched with organic matter for the most fertile, nutrient-rich environment possible. Raised beds also allow for better control of sun exposure, meaning you can choose to position the bed in a spot that gets just the right amount of sunlight to ensure optimal growth for your tomatoes. With the right conditions, tomatoes grown in raised beds can produce delicious flavorful fruit all season long.