Species Green Mountain Maidenhair Fern

Green Mountain Maidenhair Fern

Adiantum viridimontanum

Green Mountain Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum viridimontanum) is a tufted, clumping perennial fern native to westernNorth America. Its delicate, lacy, bright green fronds emerge from a small, short underground rhizome. Once established, it grows rapidly and spreads quickly via underground spreads to form an impressive circular mass. The fronds are composed of fan-shaped segments with delicate serrated edges that give this species a very distinctive look. It grows best in dappled shade with moist, acidic soil, and thrives in areas with high humidity. With its lush foliage and striking silhouette, Green Mountain Maidenhair Fern is an excellent choice to create a delightful shelter for shade-loving plants, or to brighten up any shade garden.



Hardiness Zone:



Partial Shade, Shade


Clay, Sand, Humus Enriched



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



For Aleutian Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum aleuticum), the amount of water required is significant and should be done frequently. Water the fern until the potting mix feels moist but not soggy, about once a week. During the growing season (March-September), you may need to water more frequently to keep it moist. In winter, allow the top of the soil to become dry before watering. When watering, avoid getting the foliage wet to prevent the plant from developing fungal diseases.


The Aleutian Maidenhair Fern typically does best when given bright indirect sunlight. It can handle some direct sunlight, but only for short amounts of time (1-2 hours) during the early morning or late afternoon. A few hours of morning light is preferable to afternoon light since afternoon light is usually more intense than morning light. These ferns should be kept away from direct, hot, and intense sunlight as it can damage the foliage. As such, it would be most beneficial to place Adiantum aleuticum in areas of bright indirect light such as lightly shaded windowsills, or in areas of northern or eastern exposure where it will receive soft, bright, indirect light throughout the day.


Aleutian Maidenhair Fern should be pruned in spring or early summer. If you prune too late in the summer you will remove new growth. To prune, use sharp, sterile scissors or clippers to trim off the brown, wilted fronds at the base of the fern. Be sure to cut above the ring of developing new fronds so that the new growth and attractive foliage is encouraged. Prune lightly to maintain the size and shape of the plant. You should remove no more than a third of the fronds. Additionally, it can help to pinch off any yellowing foliage to improve the look of the fern.

Hardiness Map

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