Species Geyer's Onion
light-purple flowers with green foliage and stems

Geyer's Onion

Allium geyeri

Geyer's Onion (Allium geyeri) is a perennial plant native to California. It features striking 8-inch long pinkish-purple umbels atop up to 2-foot tall stems. The deep-green narrow leaves form narrow clumps at the base of the plant. In summer, the brilliant star-shaped flowers bloom, attracting pollinators and adding a dramatic element to the landscape. The flowers develop into green seed capsules in the fall. Geyer's Onion is bloom hardy and easy to grow, making it a great choice for gardeners looking to add a bold pop of color to their landscape.



Hardiness Zone:



Purple|Pink Flowers


Sun, Partial Shade


Sand, Loam



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Hooker's Onion should be watered regularly and deeply, but be aware that it is susceptible to root rot if given too much water or water too frequently. In well-draining soil, they should be watered deeply every 7-10 days when the soil is dry or beginning to dry. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, but do not allow it to dry out completely. When temperatures reach above 90°F, water more often to prevent the bulb from wilting in the heat. When the foliage starts to die back, which typically occurs in late summer, reduce watering and let the soil dry out completely. This plant prefers a moist soil but soil that is not constantly wet.


Hooker's Onion (Allium acuminatum) grows best in well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. In areas with hot summers, some afternoon shade is appreciated. This plant does best in 6-8 hours of direct sun per day. In cooler regions, however, full sun is preferable. With too little sunlight, these plants may become weak and susceptible to disease.


Hooker's Onion (Allium acuminatum) should be pruned shortly after flowering, usually in late spring or early summer. Pruning should be light, and should only remove dead or damaged stems. Pruning will help keep the plant from getting too unruly and will also help encourage new growth and flowering. Too much pruning may reduce flowering and cause the plant to become overgrown.

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