Species Yellow Woodland Anemone
bright-yellow flowers with green center, yellow stamens, green leaves and stems

Yellow Woodland Anemone

Anemone ranunculoides

The Yellow Woodland Anemone (Anemone ranunculoides) is a delicate, perennial herb that grows up to 40cm tall. Its bright yellow flowers have five petals that surround a cluster of yellow stamens, and they appear in early spring or summer. The leaves of this species are spoon-shaped and have fine hairs on their surface. They are often found in woodlands, meadows, and roadsides, where they prefer moist, shady locations. They are a hardy species that require little maintenance and thrive in mild climates. The charming blooms of the Yellow Woodland Anemone are sure to brighten up any outdoor space.




Division,Seed Propagation,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:





Watering for a Yellow Woodland Anemone (Anemone ranunculoides) is best done by soaking the soil to a depth of at least 4 inches once per week. The soil should be allowed to dry between waterings and it may require more frequent waterings during hot and dry periods. Be careful not to over water as this can cause the roots to rot. Adding a 2-3 inch layer of mulch in the summer months can help the soil retain moisture which will reduce the amount of water needed.


The Yellow Woodland Anemone (Anemone ranunculoides) needs between 6 and 8 hours of sunlight each day to thrive and flower properly. This species of plant prefers partial shade and will do best in partial shade all day rather than full sun all day, as full sun can lead to leaf burn. Additionally, it is best to provide the plant with indirect sunlight throughout the growing season as direct, intense sunlight can lead to heat stress. During the hottest months of the summer, it is best to provide the Yellow Woodland Anemone with some shade.


Yellow Woodland Anemone should be pruned in late spring or early summer, usually after flowering has ended. Pruning should be done carefully, removing dead, diseased, or broken stems. Any stems or foliage that are overcrowding the plant should also be removed. Pruning should be done in moderation, as the plant's flowers should be left intact. It is recommended to take no more than 1/4 of the stems per season.