Species Siberian Wormwood
green foliage

Siberian Wormwood

Artemisia laciniata subsp. laciniata

Siberian Wormwood (Artemisia laciniata subsp. laciniata) is an aromatic and feather-like perennial shrub native to the mountains of Siberia. Ideal for sunny, dry areas, its fine, feathery, grey-green, and white foliage is highly ornamental and is an ideal choice for containers or borders. At maturity, it can reach up to four feet in height and three feet in width, and its tiny yellow flowers will bloom in the summer months. A hardy plant that is resistant to drought and heat, Siberian Wormwood can be grown in a range of soil types. Though ‘Siberian Silver’ is the most common variety, you can find varieties in pink, blue and purple foliage, depending on your climate.




Seed Propagation,Cutting,Division,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Poisonous To Humans:


Poisonous To Pets:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:




Care Level:



It is important to water Siberian Wormwood (Artemisia laciniata subsp. laciniata) regularly. It is a drought tolerant plant but will benefit from moderate watering. Water the plant deeply and infrequently to encourage deeper roots. During the summer, water the plant thoroughly once or twice a week. During winter, water only when the top layer of soil feels dry to touch. Ensure that the soil draining is good so that the moisture stays in the soil for longer time. Avoid heavy overwatering as it can lead to root rot or fungal infections.


Siberian Wormwood is a plant species that thrives best in full sunlight. This plant prefers about 4 to 5 hours of direct sun per day, with plenty of indirect sun exposure in the remainder of the day. It can also tolerate periods of partial shade as well. The ideal location for this plant would be in an area that receives direct sun in the morning and late afternoon, with some shade at mid-day. Siberian Wormwood is not particularly cold hardy and can suffer damage from extended exposure to temperatures below freezing. For best results, it should be grown in zones 4-9.


Siberian Wormwood should be lightly pruned in late winter or early spring. Begin pruning just after the shrub blooms or in early March. When pruning, remove up to 1 third of the oldest, thickest branches to allow space for new growth. The remaining branches may be trimmed to shape and reduce their length. If the shrub is becoming overgrown, more aggressive pruning can be done, but it is best to remove the oldest wood. Severe pruning, especially in mid-summer or late fall could lead to dieback, so avoid those times.