Species Russian Pigweed
green flowers, leaves and green stems

Russian Pigweed

Axyris amaranthoides

Russian Pigweed is an annual flowering plant in the Amaranthaceae family that is native to Eurasia. It is a highly invasive weed, but is also found cultivated in gardens. Growing up to 3 feet tall, its stems are upright, branching, and covered in a white downy hair. Its leaves are oval to spatulate-shaped and deep green in color with a white to grayish waxy bloom on the surface. Its tiny yellow flowers grow in leafy panicles at the top of the stems and produce small, dark, round fruits. Russian Pigweed can be found in fields, roadsides, gardens, and waste areas in the USA, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.



Hardiness Zone:




full sun,part shade


brown Fruits Ready In Fall



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Salt Tolerant:



Wavy Hairgrass (Avenella flexuosa) should be watered weekly in the spring and summer and monthly in the autumn and winter. In the spring and summer, water thoroughly so that the soil is moist but not soggy. In the autumn and winter, water only enough to keep the soil slightly moist. Avoid over-watering as this can damage the grass.


Wavy Hairgrass (Avenella flexuosa) prefers bright light. The plant should be placed in an area where it will receive at least 4 hours of direct sunlight per day, preferably in the morning or late afternoon when sunlight intensity is lower. For best results, it should receive indirect sunlight for the remaining daylight hours. This will keep it looking full and vibrant, while avoiding scorching of the delicate leaves.


Wavy hairgrass (Avenella flexuosa) should be pruned lightly once a year, around early spring or late fall, before the new growth begins. Pruning should be restricted to removing dead or damaged blades. Due to its shallow, fibrous root system, cut too much or too frequently and you will not only deplete the grass’s energy reserves, but you'll also prevent new, healthy blades from being formed.

⚠️ Perenual and its members cannot be held liable for any health issues that may arise from the information provided on the website or from using any of the plants found on the site. The information provided is intended to be used as general guidelines only.