Species American Sea Rocket

American Sea Rocket

Cakile edentula subsp. edentula var. lacustris

American Sea Rocket is a native species of flowering plant found across the eastern North America seashores. Growing 1-3 feet tall, it has a woody stem and oblong fleshy leaves. Its white to pink flowers bloom from April to September, and its fruits are flat and dark brown. This short-lived perennial is very easy to grow in sand or loam and requires minimal maintenance. It grows best in full sunlight and moist soil and is commonly used for erosion control. American Sea Rocket is also a great source of food and shelter for wildlife.



Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



The Roundleaf Thorowax, Bupleurum rotundifolium, requires regular watering throughout the growing season. In spring and summer, it should be watered deeply approximately once a week. The soil should be allowed to dry out a bit between waterings. During the fall and winter months, the plant should receive less water. It is recommended to wait for the soil to become dry to the touch before providing the plant with 1 or 2 deep waterings throughout the month. Additionally, make sure to keep soil evenly moist, but not soggy, so it remains well aerated.


Roundleaf Thorowax is an annual plant, native to Europe, that thrives in sunny areas with well-drained soils. It prefers full sunlight, though it can tolerate some shade. It needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day to thrive and bloom, and prefers full sun during the majority of the day. It should be planted in an area with no more than partial shade during the day, such as near a south-facing window. In the optimal conditions, Roundleaf Thorowax can bloom and develop robust foliage from late spring to mid-autumn.


Roundleaf Thorowax (Bupleurum rotundifolium) is a hardy, drought tolerant perennial with attractive foliage and long-lasting blooms. It can be pruned to create a low, neat hedge or a mid-height flowering background shrub. Pruning is best done in early spring before new growth begins or in the middle of summer after blooms fade. Cut any dead or dying stems back to the soil line, near the base of the plant. You can then clip off unwanted straggly branches or overgrown stems to maintain the desired shape or size. If you want to reduce the overall size, you can cut back all stems leaving about 4”-6” of growth.

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