Species Alpine Bistort
white flowers with white filaments, olive-red buds and olive stem

Alpine Bistort

Bistorta vivipara

Alpine bistort (Bistorta vivipara) is an herbaceous perennial plant that is native to many mountain regions in western and central Asia. It grows in full sun to part shade, tolerates a wide range of temperatures, and prefers moist soil. Its leaves are club-shaped with an oval base and its small pink or purple flowers bloom in the summer. This is an attractive plant for rockeries, flowerbeds, and the front of a border. Preferring full sun, it is tolerant of dry conditions. With its attractive foliage and long-lasting flowers, Alpine Bistort makes a good choice for the natural garden.



Hardiness Zone:




full sun,part shade


brown,black Fruits Ready In Summer



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:







Western Bistort can be watered once a week, using about 1 liter of water per plant. During the growing season, from late spring to early fall, the plant will need more water. You should aim for 2 liters per plant, every 5-7 days. During winter, when growth is slower, you can water less often, approximately every 10-14 days and about 1 liter of water per plant. To ensure that the plant is getting enough water, make sure the soil is moist at least 1-2 inches beneath the surface. Water sparingly - too much water can lead to rotting roots.


Western Bistort (Bistorta bistortoides) is a drought tolerant, sun loving plant that thrives in full sun and at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. It will also tolerate partial shade, but needs some direct sunlight to bloom and stay healthy. It should be grown in a spot where it can receive morning sunlight and protection from the hot afternoon sun. During the summer months, Western Bistort should receive generous amounts of sunlight, but it should not be exposed to too much heat during the summer by providing adequate ventilation around the plant.


When pruning Western Bistort (Bistortoides bistortoides), it should be done when the plant is in bloom, typically in late spring or early summer. Prune lightly with sharp pruning shears, taking care to not damage the crown of the plant. Pruning should remove old, woody, and diseased stems and should be done so that about 1 third of the foliage is removed. Doing this will keep the plant healthy and encourage new, more vigorous growth in the next season.

⚠️ Perenual and its members cannot be held liable for any health issues that may arise from the information provided on the website or from using any of the plants found on the site. The information provided is intended to be used as general guidelines only.