Species Quebec Rockcress

Quebec Rockcress

Boechera quebecensis

Quebec Rockcress (Boechera quebecensis) is a flowering plant native to Quebec in Canada. Its attractive foliage consists of serrated, fiddle-shaped, bright green leaves. As it blooms, it produces yellow flowers, which appear to be floating on the top of the plant. They are clustered in groups and give a lovely contrast to the leaves. It is an easy-to-care-for species that grows best in shady, moist locations. It is also drought tolerant and will create a colourful display in colder areas of the garden. Quebec Rockcress is an ideal choice for a shaded border or rock garden as its foliage and blooming flowers will provide a pop of colour all season long.




Seed Propagation,Cutting,Division,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Quebec Rockcress should be watered weekly, providing about 1 inch of water each time. Depending on the season, frequency may vary. During spring and summer, when the plant is actively growing, it should be watered every 5-10 days. In fall and winter, when the plant is semi-dormant, it should be watered every 2-4 weeks. It will need more water in warmer months and less in cooler months; during periods of dry weather, water more often. Check the soil's moisture before watering, as the plant isn't tolerant of wet feet. When watering, avoid overhead irrigation, if possible, to minimize fungal diseases.


In general, Quebec Rockcress (Boechera quebecensis) prefers partial shade, although it can tolerate a small amount of direct sunlight in the early morning hours. To promote optimal growth, plants should receive 4 to 6 hours of morning sunlight, followed by indirect light or shade in the afternoon. Plants can also benefit from protection from intense afternoon sunlight. This species does not tolerate complete shade, so it should not be planted in a totally shaded area.


For Quebec Rockcress, pruning should be done annually with light pruning during the spring season. For best results, prune in late March or early April before growth begins. When pruning, cut back any dead or deadheading stems and thin out congested areas. Deadhead blooms to encourage new flower buds or seed formation. Pruning back should be done selectively, removing no more than 1-third of the plant at a time. Although this plant has a dense form, it is important to maintain an open form allowing air circulation, sunlight. This will help to keep disease problems to a minimum.