Drummond's Rockcress
Boechera stricta
Hardiness Zone:
full sun,part shade
brown,tan Fruits Ready In Fall
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Reflexed Rockcress (Boechera retrofracta) should be watered approximately 1 to 2 times per week, or when the soil is dry to the touch. When watering, it is important to be sure to evenly wet the soil down to a depth of at least 4 to 6 inches. During hot and sunny days, this plant may need to be watered more frequently. Allow the top inch or 2 of soil to dry out before re-watering. Ensure that no part of the plant is standing in water, as this can promote root rot.
Reflexed Rockcress (Boechera retrofracta) prefers plenty of sunlight. This species does best when it receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day, ideally from the early morning to late afternoon. It should be in a bright, sunny spot but out of direct, hot mid-day sun which could damage the foliage. If grown in shade, it will not produce many flowers. The Reflexed Rockcress should also be shaded from strong winds, especially if it is grown in a container, as this can cause the foliage to become dry and dull.
Reflexed Rockcress (Boechera retrofracta) should be pruned when the blooming period is complete, usually late spring. Pruning can be done during the growing season, but should be done lightly and only when absolutely necessary. Pruning should be limited to removing dead and damaged flowers, stalks and stems to keep the plant healthy. Avoid cutting the entire plant back all at 1 time as this can distress the plant. Pruning should be done with clean, sharp tools and any cut stems should be discarded. Pruning will encourage new growth and help with blooming for the following year. Too much pruning, however, can damage the plant, so prune lightly and only as needed.