Species Richardson's Brookfoam
white flowers with dark-purple center, green leaves and red-green stem

Richardson's Brookfoam

Boykinia richardsonii

Richardson's Brookfoam (Boykinia richardsonii) is a stunning perennial that is part of the Saxifrage family. Found in the United States from North Carolina to Washington State, this plant features white/pale pink flowers and a lush green foliage. The basal leaves of this plant also offer unique texture, being glossy and toothed. An excellent choice for rock gardens and herbaceous borders, Richardson's Brookfoam is a drought tolerant plant that will perform well in moist, well drained soils. Found in marshy areas often in the shade of trees, Richardson's Brookfoam is a joy to behold.




Seed Propagation,Division,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:




Care Level:



Richardson's Brookfoam should be watered about once or twice a week, depending on the temperature and soil moisture. In the hot summer months, it may need watering more often, while in cooler months, only once every 2 weeks should be sufficient. Water the whole area around the plant, making sure to moisten the soil to a depth of at least 1 to 2 inches. Soak the soil until it is saturated but not overflowing. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so be careful to not use too much water. In times of extreme heat and drought, replenish the moisture more than usual.


Richardson's Brookfoam (Boykinia richardsonii) require full sun for optimal growth and flowering in most areas, with some afternoon shade recommended in especially hot regions. In its native range, Richardson's Brookfoam typically receives several hours of direct sunlight each day, particularly in the morning and late afternoon. To ensure healthy growth and abundant blooms, this plant should be grown in a location that receives at least 6-8 hours of sunlight each day. In areas with high annual temperatures, afternoon shade may help to protect the plant from overheating and the associated hazards.


Richardson's Brookfoam (Boykinia richardsonii) should be pruned annually in late winter or early spring, before the new growth begins. This will promote bushier growth and help keep the plant more compact. Pruning should involve removing no more than 1-third of the plant’s stems at a time, as removing too much could cause the plant to become weak or leggy. It is also important to ensure that all pruned stems are cleaned and free from pests or diseases before the plant is put back into its place.