Species Siberian Kobresia

Siberian Kobresia

Carex borealipolaris

The Siberian Kobresia is a grass-like plant that is known for its low, creeping appearance and high tolerance of cold temperatures. It is widely found in cold regions of Europe and parts of Asia. This species is morphologically diverse, characterized by yellow or brown spikes, and reaching heights of 2-10 cm. Its growth form is unique as the leaves grow in a rosette pattern. In Russia, it is commonly used in hay production. It is also used for erosion control and as a forage plant for livestock. The Siberian Kobresia is also known as a hardy, durable species ideal for areas with sub-zero temperatures.




Division,Seed Propagation,Cutting,Stolon,Rhizome Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade

Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Siberian Kobresia (Carex borealipolaris) requires weekly watering of the soil in order for it to stay moist and healthy. The best times to water Siberian Kobresia are in the morning or early evenings. If possible, use rainwater or filtered water to ensure the best possible growth for your plants. The amount of water needed for Siberian Kobresia will depend on the moisture in the soil and the weather conditions. If the soil feels dry to the touch, it is likely time to water your Siberian Kobresia. Depending on the temperature and humidity, aim to use around 1 inch of water per week for the healthiest growth of your plants. Add a bit more water if you notice any signs of wilting or drooping of the plants.


Siberian Kobresia grows best in full sun or partial shade, with full sun being preferable. This plant species likes a long days and plenty of sunshine. The optimal amount of sunshine for this species is 6-8 hours of direct sunlight, preferably during the middle of the day. The summer months are typically the best for Siberian Kobresia because the natural sunlight hours and intensity increases during this period. It is important to avoid any extreme heat that can be harmful to this species.


Siberian Kobresia is an ornamental grass species that requires minimal pruning. Pruning can be performed once a year, in late spring or early summer (April/May). During pruning, the top 1/3 of the plant should be removed to promote a vigorous, full plant. Additionally, any dead or insect damaged leaves should be removed from the plant during this time. Pruning should be done in a way that maintains the grass' symmetrical shape.