Carex canescens subsp. canescens x
Hardiness Zone:
Green/Brown Flowers
Sun, Partial Shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Buxbaum's Sedge should be given moderate amounts of water throughout the growing season. Water the plant deeply and thoroughly, allowing the soil to become slightly moist but not soggy. Water the plants about once a week during the spring and summer months, or whenever the soil becomes dry. Once the plants are established, water only when necessary, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. During the fall and winter months, reduce the water frequency. Give the plant a deep drink every month or 2, depending on the amount of rainfall in the area.
Buxbaum's Sedge (Carex buxbaumii) grows best in partial to full sun. It prefers a moderate amount of sunlight and can tolerate shade, but it blooms best in areas that get at least 4 hours of direct sun each day. When it comes to timing, this plant species tends to be most active and healthy during the spring and summer months. This is when the plant needs the most sunlight to grow and thrive.
Buxbaum's sedge should be pruned in mid-spring to early summer, when new growth begins to emerge. Pruning should be done selectively, focusing on the removal of brown, dead, or diseased foliage. It is also recommended to use hand shears to prune instead of power tools so that you can easily reach the inner sections of the shrub. Pruning should be done in such a way that no more than 1-third of the live canopy is removed. This will keep the plant healthy while also maintaining its natural shape. Finally, a thin layer of mulch should be spread around the plant to keep the roots cool and moist during the summer months.