Slender Woodland Sedge
Carex digitalis var. digitalis
Hardiness Zone:
Green/Brown Flowers
full sun,part sun/part shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Lesser Panicled Sedge should be watered about once a week or when the soil in the pot feels dry to the touch. The best way to water this plant species is to use lukewarm water and to apply it directly to the soil. Soak the soil thoroughly and move the pot to an area with more airflow to allow quicker drying. Avoid letting the plant sit in a shallow tray of standing water for longer periods of time as the plant may become water logged leading to potential root rot. During the warmer months, when the plant is actively growing, it is important to increase watering frequency. This plant can also tolerate occasional dry periods when the weather is cooler.
Lesser Panicled Sedge benefits from partial shade to full sun, with the best growing conditions provided by full sun for at least 4 to 5 hours a day. During the hottest part of the day the plant allows for partial shade. It prefers full sun during the cooler times of day, such as early morning sun and afternoon shade. If grown in full shade, the plants tend to be weak and lanky.
It is recommended that pruning should be done in early spring, just before new growth begins. The aim is to remove any dead, damaged, or crossing stems only. It can also help to cut back a few of the stems to prevent the plant from becoming too top heavy or overcrowded. When pruning, it is important to use clean and sharp shears to ensure a nice even cut. Pruning should be done lightly and frequently in order to maintain the desired shape of the plant. It is also important to avoid removing too much of the plant as it can weaken its structure.