Species Yellowish Sedge

Yellowish Sedge

Carex x flavicans

The Yellowish Sedge is a lush perennial plant of the grass family with variegated foliage that ranges in color from light yellow to creamy yellow. This hardy species can be found growing in moist areas, such as flooded meadows, lake shores, and bogs. Its distinctive yellow foliage stands in stark contrast against the usually green foliage of its neighboring plants and makes this species truly stand out. In the summer, the plant's foliage is topped off with small light brown spiklets, while its glossy dark brown winter foliage adds to its all-year-round aesthetic appeal.




Division,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Rhizome Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:




Care Level:



Yellowish Sedge should be watered lightly and frequently, as it prefers to stay moist. It should be watered about twice a week, and when the soil or moss begins to feel dry. Water should be applied directly to the soil or moss, rather than to the leaves, to prevent leaf damage and disease. When checking the soil for dryness, you should look for a light brown color. If it appears dark brown or black, then it is best to water it more often. Be sure not to overwater, however, as wet soil can cause root rot and other diseases.


Yellowish Sedge (Carex x flavicans) prefers full sun and moist, well-drained soil and will tolerate partial shade. When growing in full sun, the plant should receive at least 6 hours of direct sunshine per day, although it may tolerate less if the soil is kept constantly moist. It prefers higher levels of sunlight during the late afternoon and early evening, as the plant may be more susceptible to sunburn during the hottest part of the day. In instances where the plant receives partial shade, it is important to ensure that it is still getting the minimum of 6 hours of direct sunshine per day, or it may not thrive as well.


Yellowish Sedge (Carex x flavicans) can be pruned in late spring or early summer in order to encourage new and healthy growth. The plant should be pruned back by about 1-third of its total height. It should not be pruned too severely as this can lead to damage. Pruning should be done with sterile, sharp shears to ensure a clean cut. Be sure to wear gloves when pruning in order to avoid any potential skin irritations from the plant's sap. Dead or unhealthy foliage should also be removed during the pruning process in order to promote healthier growth going forward. If there is a lot of leaf debris, it should be collected and discarded correctly.