Tworank Sedge
Carex disticha
Hardiness Zone:
Green/Brown Flowers
Partial Shade, Shade
Leaf Color:
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Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Softleaf Sedge is a species of slow-growing perennial ornamental grass that loves wet soils. As it prefers moist conditions, it should be watered regularly. Water the plant deeply, but don't overwater, once a week in the summer and about every 2 weeks in the winter. Make sure the soil is damp to the touch before you water again and avoid waterlogging the roots. During periods of extreme heat, it is a good idea to increase the frequency of watering to ensure the plant is not stressed.
Softleaf Sedge (Carex disperma) prefers moderately sunny to fully sunny conditions. In the northern hemisphere, this generally means 4-6 hours of direct sunlight each day, though plants in southern regions may require fewer hours of direct light to thrive. Varieties of Softleaf Sedge that prefer full sun may benefit from 8-10 hours of direct light, and growing in bright shade can be detrimental. It is important to avoid direct sunlight at the hottest parts of the day, as this can damage the foliage, so aim for morning or early afternoon sunlight, followed by filtered light for the rest of the day.
Softleaf Sedge (Carex disperma) requires minimal pruning. The best time to prune the plant is during the spring months (March to May). During this time, trim back dead or damaged blades. It’s best to remove the dead foliage as close to the base of the grass as possible. In addition, you may need to thin out the clumps of Softleaf Sedge that are growing near each other. To do this, just gently pull apart the blades of grass from the center and dispose of them. This will give the other blades of grass more room to grow. This species of grass does not need to be pruned on a regular basis. An occasional pruning is enough to keep it looking and performing its best.