Smoothcone Sedge
Carex laeviconica
Also Known As - Plains Slough SedgeWatering:
Hardiness Zone:
Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
The Lakebank Sedge is a plant species that should be watered twice weekly. When watering your Lakebank Sedge, make sure to water it deeply, allowing the water to soak down to the roots. Try to water only the soil, not the leaves, as this will reduce the chance of fungus and other plant ailments. Since the Lakebank Sedge is a wetland species, you might consider setting up a water feature or bog-type environment to ensure that the plant gets the right amount of moisture. Additionally, you may also want to use a mulch to help retain soil moisture.
Lakebank Sedge is a plant species that thrives in full or partial sun, typically between 4-8 hours daily. It can tolerate some shade, and if grown in the northern part of the U.S., will require some afternoon protection. In the hotter climates, Lakebank Sedge performs better when planted in shade and with some additional water. The best time for planting or transplanting Lakebank Sedge is in spring but it can be planted in fall where temperatures are cooler.
Lakebank Sedge can be pruned in early spring before the new growth starts. For the best results, it is recommended to prune back this species of sedge to half of its previous height and width at that time. This can be done using hedge shears or by hand. Pruning should be done regularly, as often as necessary to keep the appearance of the desired shape. Pruning in late summer or early autumn is not recommended, as it prevents the sprouting of new shoots and reduces overall vigor.