Sea Sedge
Carex marina
Hardiness Zone:
full sun,part shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Alaska Large Awn Sedge requires medium to regular watering when the soil begins to dry. During summer and spring, when the plant is actively growing, water it 1 to 2 times a week. During the fall and winter months, when the plant is not actively growing, reduce watering to once every 2 to 3 weeks. Try to keep the soil somewhat moist, but do not let the soil become waterlogged.
The Alaska Large Awn Sedge is a hardy, cold-tolerant plant that does best in full sunlight. This species grows best when exposed to the sun at least 8 hours per day throughout its growing season (spring through late fall). In the winter months, it does not need direct sunlight and may even benefit from some shade, as this plant tolerates extreme temperatures. It is especially important to provide the Alaska Large Awn Sedge with as much sunlight as possible during the summer months when growth is most active.
Alaska Large Awn Sedge, or Carex macrochaeta, should be pruned 2 times per season, preferably in early spring and fall. During early spring pruning, any damaged or dead stems should be removed, as well as any surrounding foliage that is not growing in line with the aesthetic of the plant. In the fall, remove any remaining dried stems and foliage, and lightly trim any wayward branches to maintain the preferred shape of the plant.