Species Small-Awned Sedge

Small-Awned Sedge

Carex microchaeta

Small-Awned Sedge is a perennial native to wet meadows and marshlands from southern Canada to the northern United States. It has light green foliage that forms a tuft of arching leaves from the base. The leaves, up to 8 inches long, are narrow with rough edges. The flowers bloom from June to August and are highly visible within the foliage. The flower heads, light green, are circular and long-stalked, covered in fine, small awns. Small-Awned Sedge is an attractive addition to a wildflower meadow and will attract a variety of wildlife. It's easy to grow in wet to moist soils and tolerates partial shade.



Hardiness Zone:


Green/Brown Flowers In Spring





Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Midland Sedge (Carex mesochorea) is a drought tolerant plant that prefers moist to dry soils. To ensure that your Midland Sedge is healthy and thriving, it requires 1-2 inches of water per week during the growing season, from late spring to late summer. Water every 7-14 days, depending on how dry the soil is. During the winter months, when the plant is dormant, water occasionally, as needed. Always check the soil moisture level before watering and if it is already moist, wait until it is partially dry before you water again.


Midland Sedge (Carex mesochorea) thrives best in the sun, but benefits from some shade during the hottest part of the day. In the northern hemisphere, Midland Sedge plants should receive direct sunlight for 5 to 6 hours daily, with some afternoon shade if midday temperatures are high. In the southern hemisphere, this should be reversed, with the sun peaking in the afternoon and providing 5 to 6 hours of indirect sunlight each day. Midland Sedge does best in partial sun, but can perform well in full sun if planted in a location with adequate soil moisture. To maximize growth and health, Midland Sedge plants should receive 12-14 hours of light per day.


Midland Sedge should be pruned annually. Pruning of Midland Sedge should be done in late winter or early spring, before new growth has begun. Pruned stems should be cut down just above soil level. This should be done to promote new growth and improve its overall form. Dead or damaged leaves should also be removed to help keep the plant healthy and prevent diseases. Additionally, any crowded or weak growth should be cut away to allow the plant to better produce new foliage.

⚠️ Perenual and its members cannot be held liable for any health issues that may arise from the information provided on the website or from using any of the plants found on the site. The information provided is intended to be used as general guidelines only.